Invoice - Prefix in Date Format YYYYMMDD-01
Invoices - Prefix in Date Format
It would be great we could choose an invoice prefix in a date format that automatically updates each day. For example 20231123-01, 20231124-01 02 03 etc.
I track my invoices by the date in which I send them so this feature would save me alot of time instead of having to manually update the date in the invoice prefix each day.
Freya Pieroz commented
@Melvyn Simonson - actually, I use YYYYMMDD all the time for file naming, because then sorting by name gets a chronological order. It's not common, but the ISO 8601 standard is YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD for international communication of date-related data, because it removes ambiguity.
Melvyn Simonson commented
Another issue Date and invoice number has to be in top right corner of invoice as standard. If copies in ring binder can be seen easily when searching for an invoice any event date and invoice number will usually be coincidental. Even if invoice copies are filed by custome name
Melvyn Simonson commented
sorry did not complete my comment..
.... date has to be in stadard format and invoice in simple numerical sequence.....A customer getting invoice with meaningless month same customer might get 20231216-06
XERO provides numerical invoice sequence you can file by invoice number or date .... if say terms are 28 days easy for customer to work out -
Melvyn Simonson commented
Year/month/day is qute impractical ..never seen before in 50 yrs.
You cannot file in date order (if not alphabetical)
Has to be day/month/yearUSA version month/day/year not ideal either
Collin Xatoto commented
Absolute necessity!
Darren Kondysar (SOE) commented
Is there any way that Xero could pull the date settings from the user's computer for all date fields? When I manually enter dates using numbers, Xero requires me to use month/day/year, so 02152024 for Feb 15, 2024. However, my computer date format is set for 20240215 because that is the ISO 8601 standard and it matches how I file documents in folders (by date, so I can sort in order). The month/date/year isn't the standard for all countries, so I'd like the option for users to change.
Thank you!