Bill Payments - Use supplier account number as Payee reference
Option to use supplier account number as Payee reference when making Open Banking payments by direct bank transfer.
Currently the Supplier account number is not displayed anywhere.
It defaults the Payee reference to the Bill reference which is fine when paying single bills to a supplier. However, if I want to make a single payment to the supplier for multiple bills (group by Payee option), we would want to enter our Supplier Account number as the Payee reference. See attached.

Margaret Thackray commented
When I pay multiple bills to one supplier and reconcile in the bank account, I can't enter anything as a reference. I would like to be able at least to manually enter the supplier's name but even that is not possible! Are there more options in other packages? (I use Standard)
John Cartlidge commented
+1 on this, it's insane that it's not a basic feature, this is surely standard bookkeeping practice
Graham Dixon commented
Really important - Totally agree - many suppliers insist we use our customer account number as payment reference, and not the invoice number, when paying their invoices. However Xero defaults to the invoice number, or if multiple invoices are paid as group, then we have to enter the payee reference manually every time, despite this being saved in the Financial details of the Supplier in Xero. This is becoming really annoying when paying 70+ invoices to 30+ suppliers and having to enter the payee reference every time.
Anita | Botham's of Whitby commented
Yes I agree - or be able to save a default 'Reference' to use when paying multiple bills either at company level (eg a short company name) or at supplier level as the poster suggests.
Here is my example of faff I have had to edit before paying our bill today, and this is only about 1/3 of the bills.... seems unnecessary time which could be saved.