Global Search - Enter terms/phrases and show similar results (not just exact matches)
Update the search box to allow for search phrases to rank within the search box...not just exact matches. it's not particularly beneficial for a search query to result ONLY the exact match if you're searching for a match and probably don't know the exact phrase for a contact/business/customer.
For example,
"Jack Jones" produces no results when the contact is actually "John Jones".
Searching "Jack Jones" should produce a result with all contacts that include either "jack" or "jones". Producing no results is not an accurate representation of the total database.
Freya Pieroz commented
Today I was searching for a particular search term ("ACT Payroll Tax" except all lower case because it won't let me enter capitals), and you can see the result in my screenshot. I am in a contact, with the exact search terms listed as the first three words of the reference of every transaction in that contact. But not a single one shows up as a result of the search, nor does a different contact whose name includes those three words in the name ("ACT Revenue Office - Payroll Tax").
This is very suboptimal.
Freya Pieroz commented
I say that about entering a space after the exact term because I believe that enabling part-matches as an option when exact matches cannot be found would mean that the exact matches that currently cannot be found for whatever reason will come under the category of part-matches and will be found.
Freya Pieroz commented
I often find that the only way to get the Contact I'm looking for - even if I know the exact name - is to add a space on the end. You can see in the attached screenshots from multiple different clients that searching couldn't find the Contact, only the bills, and while I can get to the Contact via the bills, I'd much rather click straight to the Contact that was the reason I'm searching.