Sales - Ability to request remittance from customers
How many times have we received a payment from a customer and not known which invoices they have paid? Or followed up an outstanding invoice that they have listed as paid in their system?
It would be great to have a button to request remittance advice from a customer for a particular deposit. We have a list of customers for many of our clients where we manually send these requests via email. It is time-consuming and inefficient, though it would be great to have the automation of sending the request straight out of Xero from the Bank Rec screen!

Appreciate no direct feature for this at present, Grace and we'll begin to get a sense of the interest in this here. In the meantime, perhaps including the request in the invoice Terms and Conditions could be a good indicator that this is something you request of your customers when sending the invoice or reminders?
Giuseppe Sasso commented
It would also be great if we could email remittances directly to Xero for automatic processing as remittances.
Sally Catlow commented
This is a great idea!! Yes, please do can you do this?