Profit & Loss - Ability to hide lines
On the P & L reports, there quite often extra lines at the bottom which aren't required this yr, but may be next year. which we don't need ie: Net loss/ profit before beneficiary dist , nor do we need before tax etc as a loss, just need the bottom line ( net Profit /Loss). Companies also have the same issue. Is there a way to "hide" these lines? if not , can we add this as a suggestion please. Don't want to delete, just hide or disable as necessary
Audrey Connelly commented
Suggest that when printing Published accounts that any lines under 1.00 are hidden.
Example (as we don't print cents in our published reports).
If there say .46 left in an account , that line is not printed, As currently it will print with no amounts. and looks silly. (need to jnl the cents somewhere else to clear.