New invoicing - Exclude customer information
Please allow a customers unique name and number pasted into the "to" box, be the only customer information required to continue filling out the invoice.
My continued use of Xero depends on this action to stay as it is.
Some users will not want to use Xero invoicing other than to use it as a debtors ledger and GST etc manager.
In our case, we paste the name and number in the TO field, the only " item " we sell is one invoice worth our invoice total. The invoice number and reference holds our real invoice number.
It is quick and easy, but the new Xero invoice entry requirement for more customer info is about to ruin the easy interface to our business database.
Surely the entry rule could be left as is with the warning that the rest of the address is missing, as with the original invoice entry.

Hi everyone, to confirm for anyone coming across the idea here. In new invoicing the contact card will open so you can add more details of a new contact. However, the name is the only field required, so you can simply enter the name and then click Save to continue on. 🙂