Xero Projects - Auto attach files from Expenses to Project
Automatically add expense receipts associated with an Expense Claim to a Project that converts to an Invoice within a Project. Currently, the Expense Claim description is the only info added automatically to a Project when the claim is associated with the Project. Ideally, we need the receipts associated with those Expense Claims also added automatically from the library to the Project without having to search in a long list of library receipts for a match when creating a customer Invoice for expense reimbursement. When we have 100+ receipts at any given time in the library, then we have to search through all those receipts to find the appropriate match to the expense claim to attach to the invoice. In addition, if the receipt is not named appropriately or if the receipt is uploaded from My Xero app where you cannot rename the receipt, then it is even more difficult to find the appropriate receipt.

Taryn Tennant commented
This is ridiculous that if I attach the receipt when reconciling...why on earth do I have to attach it again to generate the invoice AND then I have to go into each one individually to mark to attach to invoice. I am only in 30 days in and I am bewildered by the lack of functionality to make our lives easier.
Olivia Abrahmsohn commented
I have the exact same issues!!!! I've just had a converstation with xero customer service and they say its not possible yet. hopefully Xero will see how needed it is! This is very crucial for the work I do!
Margaret Gasper commented
This is my nightmare because my job duties include billing clients for travel expenses from Expense Claims. Though I am able to generate the invoices, I find that I still need to re-add receipts to that invoice because they do not go over automatically. On top of that, in the My Xero app you cannot name the receipts as you are saving them; nor can you re-name them after saving. This compounds the original problem of receipts going with Expense Claims. As you can see in the attachment, the File Library where you need to go to find receipts, does not supply any identifying information either, plus you have to go through a lot of contortions and maneuverings to download all of these unidentified receipts. When after the download you can identify them, you still need to re-name them, and then attach them to the invoice(s) to which they belong, and FINALLY bill your customer. This wastes an incredible amount of time. If you work for a small company, this time is very, very precious. Please help!
Kellie Thimmes commented
This is critical to our organization. We need it to streamline our processes.
Sandy Blastick commented
I agree with Angie's comment about expense receipts. This feature would save time when generating travel invoices.
Angie McLendon commented
We need this to streamline workflow!