Batch Payment - Allow the "Reference" field in bill payments to overwrite the reference field in the batch payments file
Currently when creating a batch payment, the bank payment details fields (Particulars / code / reference) are all drawn from the payee's Xero contact details page.
payment of some bills require an invoice number in the bank payment reference field (rather than just an account number), and this also helps to track which invoices are paid for companies with frequent / varied billing + auditing bank transaction list records.
It would be great if either:
a) For a specific bill, Xero reads the invoice number and places this into the "reference field" within the bill payments screen (usually works) AND THEN this overwrites the default reference field for that contact in creation of the batch payment line
b) When entering a bill - once the contact is loaded, that the default bank fields for that contact are presented and editable on the bill screen (Combining multiple payments to the same contact in batch payments would have to be disabled for this to work)