Payment Services - GoCardless Integration
GoCardless offer Subscription Templates and the processes by which customers can sign up for them are simple and effective.
For my company offering Boiler Service Plans it would be great to use GoCardless to sign customers up, but then have Xero keep a record of Invoices and Direct Debit Payments.
I see it working like this: A customer visits our website and picks the Subscription Template that suits them. They click to set up a Direct Debit Mandate via GoCardless. That GoCardless Customer is matched to an existing Xero Contact or a new one is created. GoCardless then generates monthly Invoices and Payments for that Contact in Xero.
To make this work currently, we'd need to manually set up a Repeating Invoice for the Contact, before emailing it to them so that they can set up their direct debit mandate. It works, but isn't as slick as allowing them to create a direct debit mandate in their own time, via a link on our website.