Report - Option to remove account codes when publishing
Remove all account codes check box upon financial statement publishing
We need this check box added when we publish our EOFY financial statements - a similar box already exists to remove all decimal places yet we have to manually go to the trading statement, income statement, balance sheet and equity accounts and manually turn off account codes on each page.
A simple box to remove all account codes when publishing just like the decimal place box would be fantastic
Please fix this

Ashleigh Nanscawen commented
Would be an excellent feature to help save some time when finishing financial statements
Alison Tomkins commented
This feature would be a good improvement and save time when finalising financial statements.
Nives Miller commented
This would help speed up workflow to get out documents to the client and get a job finished.
Glenn Smith commented
Would be an excellent feature to help save some time/headache when finishing financial statements