Bills - Categorising hire purchase or loans from aged payables
Having the option of when adding a purchase invoice which is for a hire purchase or a loan agreement, then Xero automatically removes the aged payable balance from the listing and posts to a Hire Purchase/Loan nominal code to avoid having HPs/Loans in the payable listings - I know that this is a feature that other accounting systems have, such as FreeAgent.

I know it's been some time since you first started this idea, Harry. There's been lots of discussions from other users on Xero Central about recording Hire purchase transactions, and if you're using Xero's Fixed Assets you'll find steps on how to do this in our article here.
There's no logic in Xero to automatically detect where a transactions is for hire purchase or a loan, however if you've set up a liability account that you can record these sort of transactions to, it's a simple process of choosing this account when recording the transaction in Xero.
Tbh we don't have any immediate plans for changing how this works in Xero for the short term.