Batch Payment | Remittance - Selective download/send by supplier
I would really love to have a button where I can download a remittance advice for one certain supplier only in a batch payment transaction.

Will Hawking commented
If you group purchase invoices together when you pay them in Crezco, you only have to one remittance advice per supplier. still have to manually work through each supplier and send out each remittance advice from Xero. This is slow and clunky. It would avoid mistakes and be much quicker and slicker if you could simply send out remittances to all of your paid suppliers with a single click? Thanks
Richard Osborne commented
Ability to send a single remittance per supplier including all invoices paid in the batch. Since the new Crezco payment facility has been introduced we now have to send a single remittance for every invoice paid even though the payment was a batch. This is very time consuming when you make hundreds of purchases from the same supplier each month.