Donation receipts
As a charity funded entirely by donation we receive the majority of funds via online bank receipts. Because the bank receipt is standard, I currently manually create a receipt for our donors in word which I can attach to the bank receipt transaction and email to the donor. This is very time-consuming and I think it would be a very easy fix to allow customisation as with invoices

Shelley Robertson commented
It would be great to have a spot on invoicing and receipting to include the Charities Commission number alongside IRD number or NZBN number.
Also for Donation receipts, legally there needs to be a section that states 'Authorised By' and some other information.
To be able to email Donation Receipts would be amazing! Unfortunately Im not smart enough to modify the Invoice/receipt templates to get this to work for me.
Thank you!
Accounting Rivers Edge commented
We also are a charity. We would like to issue donation receipts either quarterly or yearly rather than with each donation. So far, to do this we must receive a prepayment which we then apply to a quarterly invoice. Each prepayment is listed on a separate line of the invoice so that each donation amount is shown. In order to track monthly donations, we enter the account for each type of donation on the prepayment. This creates extra entries when we run an account transaction report. As well, It makes it trickier to get a charitable donation receipt listing for our accountant at year end.
The other issue we have is that we also have a yearly silent auction. We end up doing manual receipts for those as the amount that can be receipted is what was paid above the market value of the item. In other words, they get a receipt for a portion of what they pay for the item.
It would be helpful to be able issue a receipt for all donations received without having to enter them once on a prepayment, and once on the invoice, and then apply all the prepayment. The receipt should also have the date of the donation and the date the receipt was issued. Is there a way this can be added to Xero's functionality?
Anthony Cummins commented
We are also a charity and have had to raise invoices in Xero in order to generate and email a customised receipt (using the invoice template). But once classic invoicing is retired we will no longer be able to use this system as Xero is including ugly and inappropriate payment information (due date, amount owing) in the header of emails sent from new invoicing.