Expense Claims - Split expense claims over multiple projects
Ability to be able to add multiple line items to expense claim bill, like a normal bill, when expense claims are submitted through Xero Me. When a singular cost is associated with multiple jobs, being able to add a second or third line etc to divide this cost within the bill and assign to project accordingly would be far better than having to upload the same expense claim multiple times with different portions of costs allocated.
When in "Bill Expense Claims" once the expense claim has been approved, under the "Bill Options" there is only the option to "Void" unlike other bills the have the "Edit" option.

Brendan Knight commented
Hi John
There is an option for the person submitting the claim to add multiple lines by selecting the 'Itemise' option (see attached screenshot from the website version of the expense claim)I have also just found that the expense claim can be modified after being approved and this updates the bill.
It looks like you can't modify the transaction in the bill screen but it would be much easier if there was a hyperlink to 'Edit Expense Claim' to inform users it can be done this way.