Xero Accounting app | Outstanding invoices view from Dashboard - Due date visibility
The new mobile functionality for Outstanding Invoices adds more steps to being able to see when an invoice is due.
In the past, it was a one button press into Outstanding Invoices and it was easy to see the dates for when all invoices were due.
With the new system, now when you press into Outstanding Invoices, you cannot quickly see the due dates, and it's cumbersome to have to dig into each client by pressing View all invoices, only to then be able to see the due date.
I believe the previous system was far more effective for a quick update of when payments are due on mobile.

Thanks for your feedback on the change in the mobile app, Mike. I've passed this onto the team however do want to be upfront that there's no immediate plans around this atm.
Instead, the 'Sales' tab invoice list screen might help what you're trying to view. This will show all the invoices and due dates in the same screen.
Sherolyn Mesa commented
Invoice Preview: In the old version, previewing a sent invoice shows how many days remain until it is due or how many days it is overdue. However, the new version does not provide this information, it would be efficient and faster to get this info right away
Mike Tosetto commented
Hi Kelly, what you've suggested is perfect. The quick snapshot of due dates for invoice payments I was looking for.