Manual Journal page:TAB after date should go to auto reverse date
Come on Xero, this should be the flow already, the tab position after entering the date should go to the reversing date, we accountants enter a lot of manual journals that are reversed and it is a pain in the **** to have to mouse click on the auto reverse date to be able to enter the date...
This is a easy fix, this is just the tab index in the page...

Freya Pieroz commented
If you tab through the new journal entry, you can't tab to anything past the actual entry, either - no add a new line, no save as draft, no post, no cancel. If you've pressed enter in one of the entry lines to enter data, it adds new lines when you tab through instead of tabbing to the buttons at the bottom of the entry. This is appallingly not Accessible!
Karen Chugg commented
Journal entries - You can tab from box to box, but it doesn't tab from the Date box to the Auto Reverse Date box. It would be so handy if it did and ave time. If you don't want it you would just tab on to the next box. At the moment, you have to manually click on the box each time you want it