Bill Payments - Automatic upload of payment files in the bank system
Dear support team,
I use Zero mostly to run payments and upload them in the bank system. I am trying to make my work easier as currently Zero has very limited features and I have to do a lot of work manually. I need to be able to download payments files from Zero in CSV or XML format and then automatically upload them in bulk in our bank system. The upload must be done in the right bank account and show our account number, the beneficiary, the amount of payment, currency, value date, status of the payment file and, most important, it should include also the bank details of the beneficiary. I notice there is a field in Zero, when looking for a supplier, that shows the Financial details of the supplier. Could you add a setup here for each supplier that would show the bank details and currency per supplier? And then if you could somehow connect this field to Business - Bills to Pay - Awaiting payment so that when we export a file in CSV format it would include also the bank details of the supplier? This would help us a lot.
Also, is it possible for you to add a filter for the field Reference so that certain types of Bills could be excluded from the payment ( for example I would like to exclude from each payment all Bills that have for their Reference - XPD...)
Thank you!
Raluca Marghitas