Face ID for Hubdoc mobile App
It would be great to be able to enable FACE Id to open the Hubdoc app. Currently you have to enter your user id, then password then authenticator code which is way too cumbersome for use whilst out and about. Being able to quickly add a photo on the run is essential to ensuring accurate records are being maintained. Currently it is really annoying to have to go through that lengthy log-in process and as a result we are finding that receipts are reqularly lost because they are set aside to enter at a later time when not on the move.

Freya Pieroz commented
Possibly having the ability to use whatever biometrics are set up on your device would be better? I don't have FaceID set up, because I can open my mother's phone (and that's a security risk with regards to client data), but I do have fingerprint log in set up.