Quotes - Split quotes into multiple invoices with relationships and automatic “Mark as invoiced” functionality
Our work is often quoted at the project level, with invoices being issued monthly for the duration of the project until the quoted amount has been paid and the project completed.
Currently, we create the quote, and then subsequently create invoices - manually keeping track until the quoted amount has been invoiced, at which point we mark the quote as invoiced.
It would be helpful if;
- We could split the quote into N invoices automatically with the total invoiced amount over N invoices equalling the amount in the selected quote.
- When a quote is marked as accepted but not invoiced; have the ability to when creating an invoice, assign the invoice to a particular quote and create some type of useful or navigable relationship between them.
User flow would/could be;
1. Quote is created for £X
2. Quote is accepted
3. Invoice is raised for partial/split payment of £Y and approved (and or sent)
4. After an invoice is no longer draft, it can be assigned/related to a quote
After a quotes total amount has been raised as invoices, the quote is automatically marked as “Invoiced” with all related invoices being listed in the “History and notes” section.