We have a lot of transaction that include GST, but only on part of the purchase. (Mobile catering business where we shop a lot in supermarkets.) When adding details, it has been very helpful to have the transaction already split into two lines for GST-able component and GST-free component. When entering the amount of the payment that includes GST, (which has to be calculated as receipts mostly show GST included), it would be great if the GST-free line auto-filled with the balance. Obviously this wouldn't solve every breakdown of expenses, but it would save having to use the calculator where there are only two lines to fill in with details. This would save me so much time and would also solve extra time spent on redoing calculation when fat fingers hit a wrong button!)

Narelle Allen commented
Hello Xero
Please fix the table content in your invoicing to auto calculate the balance of a split entry like a lot of other accounting softwares offer. Its very frustrating to have to use an external device to split an entries value. I am talking about GST free and GST active entries on the 1 invoice. such as insurance - stamp duty is GST free the rest of the invoice has GST in it - one has to use a calculator to split the payments upthanks