235 results found
Sales - Ability to request remittance from customers
How many times have we received a payment from a customer and not known which invoices they have paid? Or followed up an outstanding invoice that they have listed as paid in their system?
It would be great to have a button to request remittance advice from a customer for a particular deposit. We have a list of customers for many of our clients where we manually send these requests via email. It is time-consuming and inefficient, though it would be great to have the automation of sending the request straight out of Xero from the Bank Rec screen!
6 votesAppreciate no direct feature for this at present, Grace and we'll begin to get a sense of the interest in this here. In the meantime, perhaps including the request in the invoice Terms and Conditions could be a good indicator that this is something you request of your customers when sending the invoice or reminders?
Report - Contact created date
Report to see when a customer account was opened/set up. When conducting customer credit account reviews it would be handy if there was a report to see what date a customer account was set up. So you are only reviews accounts that have been opened for a year. At the moment the only way to see when an account was set up is to look at the notes/history on each individual account.
1 vote -
Customer Statement - Automated statements for contacts
This is really for Xero Blue not practice manager, but you do not have a category for this,
Automated client statements - have the option to send out our practice statements on a regular basis i.e. weekly or fortnightly regardless of the days due or overdue!
434 votes -
Bank Reconciliation | Add Contact - Enter full details
When adding a new contact while in the bank feeds screen, you can add a new contact name but cannot give it the gl acct number or enter the address etc. You have to go back to contacts pull up new contact and then enter all info. Please add a feature to add all the info at the moment you set up the new contact name.
3 votes -
Contacts - Add a Running Total column to the Activity tab
Add a running total column for outstanding invoices/bills in contact activity
An option to switch between the base currency and the billing currency (on the below screenshot). This will provide a view of the outstanding amount to be paid in the selected currency.
1 vote -
Contacts - Add a Tracking Category in the Contacts Screen
When setting up a contact, it would be useful to be able to add a new tracking category directly in the contacts screen. If I forget to add a new tracking category to my existing list first and go to add a new contact then the tracking category isn't there. I then need to change menus in order to set up the tracking category and then go back and edit my contact to include it. I think it would be a good feature.
1 vote -
Contacts - Ability to mark suppliers as preferred
A way to mark contacts as " preferred suppliers",( traffic light colours?) and a way to attach a document to this contact such as a hire agreement/ contract/ agreed rates/insurance documents etc.
2 votesInteresting idea around being able to mark suppliers as preferred, Catherine. It'll be good to get an understanding of the interest in this here.
In terms of contracts, you can currently upload files to a contacts record which is where you could upload any contract, hire agreements, rates etc.
Contacts - Export Statements to CSV
The facility to export statements to CSV files has been removed
We need this option back!5 votes -
Xero Accounting app - List contact transactions in Date order, newest first
When going into a contact in the web version oif Xero the paid and unpaid invoices/bills are listed in date order with the newest first. This is not the case in the Android App version and it is really annoying having to scroll through (in one case) 200 invoices to get to the most recent.
Can the App versions please go newest first like the web version..
4 votes -
Contacts - Flags to indicate if Notes and Files are attached
On normal "blue" Xero, for each contact there is a Files and Notes Tab - it would be great if on the top banner there is a an icon to flag when there is content in that tab.
Also, on the Activity Tab, there could a column to indicate when an invoice or bill has an File attached, as it appears when viewing all invoices or all bills (not under each specific contact).
1 vote -
Contacts - Option to put a Stop/Credit Hold on customer accounts
I Also, when will we get the stop function in Xero? I've been asking Xero for 6 years. I know you can restrict invoices by credit limit but, customers could be well under their limit but overdue in paying. A stop function is critical to any accounting system.
27 votes -
Contacts - Show the value of an allocated credit note and the bill/invoice it's allocated to
On the contacts page you can see the bills and the value, it will either appear with the value in the paid column or the due column unless it has been allocated against a credit. Any allocated credit notes and the invoices they have been allocated to appear as £0.00 in the paid and due column. Now as we have to allocate the credits in order to include them in a bulk payment (a completely pointless time consuming exercise still not addressed by XERO! but lets not get side tracked by another basic function missing) the fact the values are…
14 votes -
Contacts - Add a Title field for Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc.
Please could you add a Title field into the customers name - my invoices show with just the surname on which is very unprofessional.
ie. Mr Smith on the invoice would look much nicer than just Smith !!! This must be a basic thing to do.?? Please consider this as urgent.3 votes -
Contacts - Option to exclude from remittance
Have an area in the contact card to opt out of the remittance advice for that supplier. This will save the time in unticking suppliers that never want remittance advice every time a batch payment is made.
1 vote -
Contacts - Fields for Person ID
Can the ID numbers for the Primary contact as well as the secondary contact be added to the contact details?
1 vote -
Contact List - Viewing notes from the Contact List
Ability to view notes added within the contact details section from the list view.
This would help with viewing contact notes across different contacts, for detail such as method of payment or terms of service.
50 votes -
Contacts Merge - Options to open contact record in a separate browser tab when searching
When merging contacts, you start typing the name of a contact you'd like the currently open contact merged into, and a list of similarly named contacts appears (including the contact you're getting rid of by merging it). I'd like to be able to open each of these in another tab from this list, so I can look and see which one I actually want.
3 votesSimilarly to the CTRL-click, from the list view you can use the mouse by using the left click + scroll button together to open a contact in a separate tab.
That said, appreciate if you're in a contacts record, this does mean opening another tab to search from the main contacts list.
To be honest, we don't have any immediate plans for developing the merge within a contact. It's something we'll continue to track here though, and I'll update if there's any progress to share.
Contacts - Birthday notification
Hi guys,
It would be great if we could get reminders for customers and suppliers birthdays, this is great for customer relations. Also a reminder for certain documents that might expire at a certain time.
11 votes -
Contact navigation - Left of screen (rather than top)
allow for contact navigation to left of screen more streamline
1 vote -
Contacts | Merge - show contact merged to
When merging customers xero currently completes the merge and then displays the profile that has been moved which typically (for me) contains no customer data. Is it possible to instead display the profile that the customer has been merged to which shows all the existing customer data. Usually I am completing a merge and then having to go in and search for the customer name again.
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?