Xero expenses - Ability to change sort order
Allow a simple 'sort' function to re-order the view of expenses that have been 'done'.
This should allow order by 'date of spend', by amount; category; etc

Noah Fagan commented
Wow, I thought I just hadn't figured out how to use expenses properly yet, but sounds like everyone has the same problems as I do. Its so time consuming trying to sort through old expenses. Impossible to tell if there's duplicates. Can't search or sort. I'm in disbelief that this is just how it is. Get your act together Xero!
Rufus Grantham commented
Mindblowing that such a simple standard function is not available
Andrew Jennings commented
This simple function is essential. I keep asking for this.
Garry LOUGHER commented
My expenses (a lot of them) are in no order st all. Jump around from last week, next one is 3 years old. You can’t find anything. Get your **** together Xero, it’s not hard to do. Sheesh 🙄
Warren Hook commented
This should be essential, so you can see what date the last expense was done. Currently have to go trawling through the list to try and find the last transaction that was put through.
Richard Warren commented
And to keep reinforcing the original point, allow staff expenses to be coded to 'contacts'. I have not yet heard an explanation as to why this feature was taken away.
Just reinsert the old code!
Ryan Kelly commented
This sort feature is basic, yet so important, we keep having our employees entering duplicates, as they can't sort their submitted/approved expenses in any logical order - aka by date spent!
People work in logical order through their calendar, through their receipt photos.
Makes me actually want to move away from Xero expenses as this just frustrates me trying to work out for myself, let alone my employees, whether i already submitted.
Have to go to browser desktop and do ctrl+f on Amount and hope that works. -
Richard Warren commented
How are you going Xero on getting Expenses back to where they were? There is clearly a lot of interest in this so how about a bit of support for small business where personal expenses are a big cost component and efficient management of them is really important?
Or at least a statement about intention and possible timing?
Mila Webb commented
Agreed! Being able to group expenses by expense account rather than by user would increase the functionality 10000x
Anton Ostrovsky commented
Very important! Please implement!
Rebecca Elkins commented
I completely agree! When you have many employees submitting up to 100 expenses and mileage claims a month (each), it becomes essential to sort and filter them to ensure no duplication etc.
Richard Warren commented
I think there is a consensus that the whole expenses issue needs some response from Xero or should we start holding payment until this is fixed?
Just a thought. But really....com on Xero.
Andrew Jennings commented
This feature is essential and obvious. It needs to be added.
Richard Warren commented
Jeremy has an excellent point and given the amount of time so many of us are wasting, either we should get a refund on the subscription or Xero should get on and fix this. The easiest approach would be to go back to 'classic' expenses but at least offer the opportunity to export expenses once submitted.
Extremely poor design.
Sarah Randall commented
Expenses - need better sorting and viewing of expenses for all employees. You can only sort by employee.
Ideally I would like to sort and search the same way you can with Purchase invoices.
David Taylor commented
It's just one of the odd things you wonder why it wasn't done in the first place, especially as it is a paid-for feature.
It would be useful to allow an Excel export of the expenses too so that customers have the flexibility to carry out analysis on the data.
Chris Kempton commented
Hi guys
This is really important to ascertain if there are duplicates occurring
Richard Stokes-Green commented
Enable sorting of expense claims by date, in both expenses app and desktop application, to reduce likelihood of duplicate entries. Being able to sort by date would enable users and approvers to easily identify potential duplicate entries.