Settings and activity
10 results found
8 votes
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
8 votes
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
42 votes
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
2 votes
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
28 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
How are you going Xero on getting Expenses back to where they were? There is clearly a lot of interest in this so how about a bit of support for small business where personal expenses are a big cost component and efficient management of them is really important?
Or at least a statement about intention and possible timing?
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
I think there is a consensus that the whole expenses issue needs some response from Xero or should we start holding payment until this is fixed?
Just a thought. But on Xero.
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
Jeremy has an excellent point and given the amount of time so many of us are wasting, either we should get a refund on the subscription or Xero should get on and fix this. The easiest approach would be to go back to 'classic' expenses but at least offer the opportunity to export expenses once submitted.
Extremely poor design.
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
10 votes
Sorry to hear your're not satisfied with Xero Expenses, Jeremy. Appreciate there are a few things that you've noted that you feel could enhance your experience when using expenses.
We do try to keep one idea per thread to make it simple for community to understand what they're adding their support and to help share this back with our product teams. I've adjusted the title of your idea here to reflect exporting expenses. We have an idea for changing the sort order here, and you're welcome to start new ideas for any other points you've shared too.
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
442 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
With the increasing move to charging saas customers over different periods (Monthly/quarterly, annually), being able to have flexibility to send statements that match these periods would make sense.
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
48 votes
Thanks for the detail and support shared for this idea, everyone. We understand how recurring expenses would enable efficiencies when you frequently have expenses of a similar nature (like subscriptions). Currently there is work needed within expenses to enable us to develop future capabilities. We're keen to continue tracking the interest in this through the idea here, and as soon as we're in a better position to be able to dive deeper this work we'll share any progress with you all here. So, while not in the plans at present, please keep sharing detail of your needs and supporting in the idea here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
As Mark O has asked, given that going back to the original expenses would be a simple way to help your users save time, why hasn't this been implemented. I had a good session on the phone with Peter from Xero to discuss this and he acknowledged that this appears to be a case of the development team not asking the product team what the users actually thought and how they used the product. It is clear to me that there is a case whereby users that are affected by this change have a case to make a claim against Xero for costs that have been imposed by on us by this change.
We purchased Xero where the original expenses was in place and we built our systems around this. We now have significant costs and poorer business processes as a result of this change that wasn't requested nor were we given a chance to discuss the change.
It's simply not good enough.
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
An excellent point and something that would add real value. Particularly in light of the terrible situation that has been created with the movement to 'new' expenses.
Any change to expenses that allows proper tracking and improves efficiency would be appreciated across the user group.
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
The 'new' expenses process is a significant step backwards compared to the way the 'original' expenses used to work. It is impossible to edit key details (such as account code/gst) once it has been paid. Also, it is not possible to easily go on to the system to see if expenses have been paid once 'approved' without significant digging because it is no longer possible to link the expense to a contact such as a restaurant or other supplier. My suggestion is to go back to the original expense process.
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
Absolutely crucial if we are to keep a track on costs and to avoid double ups/overpayment/unnecessary expenses
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
Also, as this was a feature in the old expense system, is it possible to go back to the old system?
Richard Warren supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Richard Warren commented
A crucial way of keeping an eye on reoccurring supplier costs that are often paid on a private credit card, particularly in small organisations and where cost oversight is even more important
And to keep reinforcing the original point, allow staff expenses to be coded to 'contacts'. I have not yet heard an explanation as to why this feature was taken away.
Just reinsert the old code!