Expense claims - Recurring expenses
Ability to create recurring expenses in expense claims area in Xero.
Purpose: To save users’ time from entering their regular expenses in Xero manually.

Thanks for the detail and support shared for this idea, everyone. We understand how recurring expenses would enable efficiencies when you frequently have expenses of a similar nature (like subscriptions). Currently there is work needed within expenses to enable us to develop future capabilities. We're keen to continue tracking the interest in this through the idea here, and as soon as we're in a better position to be able to dive deeper this work we'll share any progress with you all here. So, while not in the plans at present, please keep sharing detail of your needs and supporting in the idea here.
Roberto de Sa commented
It would be reality helpful, to be able to save regular/favorite trips, when making mileage claims, for trips you might do often and give them a sensible name like "Post Office Drop", "Hardware Store", "Materials Supplier". Very good for repetitive tasks/trips.
The Australian ATO app, does this quite well.
It also offers other methods of entering KM's.
- Favorite trips
- Point to point
- GPS trip
- Odometer reading
- Logbook -
Joanne Diez commented
It would be helpful to load regular expenses on behalf of our staff. they currently load monthly expenses which are often the same amount and then we get charged the $5 fee each time as well. Would be great if I could set up a recurring expense for them that gets paid out each month.
Shaun Williams commented
The ability to enter in the new app is, honestly, much better that what it previously was. Its more streamlined and easier to use. The problem arises when trying to pay out said expenses.
Previously I was able to reimburse myself in incremental payments when the need arises, but now I am only given the option to pay out the entire amount. As a small business this doesn't work as cashflow is tight. I can incur $5k in expenses in a month and may only want to reimburse myself $1k of those for now. Worked great before, no option to now unless I go through the web version only. So now I have to scan individually each receipt and fill in the details manually, which takes time.
Why this was never advised when I purchased the app is beyond me. I need the ability to reimburse myself in increments put back in order to un my business efficiently. -
Alexandra Clay commented
We also need to be able to set up recurring expense claims for subscriptions and other purchases for our employees. Why on earth is this taking so long to be implemented?
Richard Warren commented
As Mark O has asked, given that going back to the original expenses would be a simple way to help your users save time, why hasn't this been implemented. I had a good session on the phone with Peter from Xero to discuss this and he acknowledged that this appears to be a case of the development team not asking the product team what the users actually thought and how they used the product. It is clear to me that there is a case whereby users that are affected by this change have a case to make a claim against Xero for costs that have been imposed by on us by this change.
We purchased Xero where the original expenses was in place and we built our systems around this. We now have significant costs and poorer business processes as a result of this change that wasn't requested nor were we given a chance to discuss the change.
It's simply not good enough.
Mark O'Sullivan commented
A simple way to help your users save time, why hasn't it been implemented yet?
Michael McGowan commented
Would be very handy for recurring subscription expenses that go onto the corporate credit cards.
Thi Xuan Hung Do commented
Hi, I need this feature to enter subscription expenses as well. Did you fix this?
Richard Warren commented
An excellent point and something that would add real value. Particularly in light of the terrible situation that has been created with the movement to 'new' expenses.
Any change to expenses that allows proper tracking and improves efficiency would be appreciated across the user group.
Douglas Maitland commented
A constant bugbear for me as I recreate the same set of expenses every month and I have to use a separate tracker to manage this. Given this idea was raised in 2012, I'm disheartened to see it hasn't progressed at all.
karina arriaza commented
This feature will save time for our employees, when submitting expense claims and will avoid errors.
Lucinda Khawly commented
This is definitely a feature that can make the process more efficient especially if it is an approved budgeted recurring expense. Only a receipt/invoice to be attached the expense.
Jonathan Overton commented
Many things like Dropbox etc are paid on credit cards and are regular monthly subs. The ability to know you are going to spend 16.99 per month and set Xero to prompt you to claim it would be so helpful - lots of expenses go unclaimed because of forgetting
Mat Millns commented
Regular mileage trips would be a great add too for expenses. Either every week I do x amount of miles or the ability to save a journey and add it when required.
Annette Basel commented
We have alot of Xero users that submit claims/credit receipts through Xero Expenses, this feature would save a lot of time
Lucinda Khawly commented
Saves submitter time if it is a recurring expense each month or even Weekly etc. approval would just be needed to ensure the expense has remained the same.