Expense Claims - Edit once approved
Ability to edit expense code and tracking code after approval and payment.
This is to make up for there being no data validation capability for coding.
The workaround is to run the Account Transactions report and run 'query tests' in Excel.
Once the errors are found, you go back and edit the transactions for missing tracking codes, etc.
With Expenses there is no ability to subsequently edit the transaction, though whihc measn you need to create journals which is inefficient and hard to audit.

Richard Warren commented
The 'new' expenses process is a significant step backwards compared to the way the 'original' expenses used to work. It is impossible to edit key details (such as account code/gst) once it has been paid. Also, it is not possible to easily go on to the system to see if expenses have been paid once 'approved' without significant digging because it is no longer possible to link the expense to a contact such as a restaurant or other supplier. My suggestion is to go back to the original expense process.