Practice Manager - Add Relationship type
It would be fantastic if we could add another Relationship type in XPM, namely 'Unitholder' so we could link the unitholders and their holdings with the Unit Trust.

Thanks for your engagement and feedback through the idea here, community. Appreciate the examples provided of the needs in being able to add relationship types to your clients. While this is an idea our team have their eyes on, we want to be upfront that it's not something we have planned atm. We'll keep you informed if there's any progress to share on this, here.
Samantha Davenne commented
I'm disappointed to see this hasn't been implemented yet. This feature is so essential, and I can't imagine it being difficult to add as part of the relationship functionality.
Sara Thakkar commented
We really need this information field for our client records. It is becoming increasingly important for my team to work collaboratively without needing to access trust deed document.
Chris Graham commented
Maybe take the users feedback rather than your own internal idea's, after all we are the end users Xero
Andrea Farmilo commented
Thanks for the suggestion Melissa. I agree, at a firm level we should have the flexibility to set up the relationship structures that we want to provide value and improve processes in our firm. I would like this suggestion implemented too please.
Carrie Betts commented
In the related section of practice manager it would be good to have a bookkeeper option as I am currently using trustee to work around. They need to be linked and available to us.
Donna Murphy (practice) commented
We have a significant number of unit trusts and the unitholding is the defining factor of a unit trust - so surely it cannot be that hard to add one relationship type to XPM to cover a business structure that is already a default structure in XPM.
Sue Smith commented
I agree, this would be a fantastic addition. At the moment, there is no way to connect and easily search the unit holders and it makes for additional work to search elsewhere.
Thank you Melissa for your suggestion.
Lisa Lowcock commented
Similarly, including the option of having " Shareholder of " selection in the relationship drop down box for SMSF clients
Sharnette Josephs commented
Thank you Kelly, i am getting just a little frustrated that Xero asks for ideas but then the answer seems to be the same: Good idea but yeah nah, not doing it. Not happy, this idea seems not that complicated to me..........
Melissa Large commented
Well said Jessica - obviously not a priority at all!
Jessica Jilbert commented
Hi Xero team. Are we going to get a response from you regarding addition of the Unitholder relationship anytime soon. Seems that this isn't a priority when this thread has been dragging on since 2022.
Debra Hancock commented
The option of unitholder would be great along with Sibling and Executor. It would also be good to have an option of De facto as another option to Spouse.
Ashley McCarron commented
This is an update that would make things much clearer.
Ashley Head commented
We really need the relationship type Unit Holder for unit trusts and it needs to have the option to enter the number of units like the shareholder relationship has. The beneficiary relationship isn't sufficient for unit trusts.
Janice McIntyre commented
We would also like the functions of being able to add Unit Holder for a Unit trust
Kylie Cosgrave commented
Even just a general relationship type such as 'associate' or as mentioned previous 'related entity'
Melanie McPhillips commented
Is it possible to get an update on this? We have an abundance of unnecessary DNAF (do not act for) clients in our system, that we don't really want, just because we have to list them somewhere / link to structure charts. Being able to manually add these into relationships, would save so much time and hassle, both in acct and admin time, and also in reporting!
Petra Main commented
It would also be great if we can add custom relationships. For example, we have clients who are perhaps the executor or power of attorney for another client, but we can’t add that relationship.
Narelle Sampson commented
It would be great if we could add another client relationship - named, "Ultimate Holding Company" and "Related Entity"
Melanie McPhillips commented
I would also like to add a function to this!
It would be good to manually write external parties (non-client), and there associated dates, number of shares, notes, etc, so that we don't have to add them to XPM as a client and list as Do Not Act For (as it makes the group and client list messy). The aim would be that the non-clients can still link through to structure charts, etc.
Would also be good to have the non-clients (manual entries) shown in a different colour (or just black as wont be linked), so that it is easy to tell which are clients v non-clients.