Practice Manager | Clients - Bulk look up and update
When will we have an option to update all client emails/phone numbers at the same time?
It would be really helpful if the system would search for all 'same' emails or phone numbers and allow for these all to be updated/amended.

Janet Sucur commented
Maintenance of information in XPM is currently very time consuming. Any improvement in bulk updating of information would be appreciated. Even to be given the option of 'group' update as is already the case with address changes.
Elisa Harris commented
This is critical to us with the large number of client updates we do on a regular basis! Please create a more streamlined option for updating client details.
Oh, wait I see you've started one for auto send of receipts here( and I'll update the title of your idea here 🙂
Hi Denise, it looks like you may have 2 separate ideas represented here? - 1 in the title and a different one in the detail
If so, you're welcome to start one for each so we can track them separately here and get for support in each.
For now to bulk edit, you may find our article in Xero Central useful -