AU Payroll - Customise Payslip templates
it would be great if you could customise Payslips template or have different formats of payslips for clients i.e remove the hour

Kelly Witchard commented
There needs to be a way to customise payslips, it is rather confusing having the Salary and Wages lines change depending on what the employee has taken.
For instance, if you just have Ordinary Hours one week the YTD for any other category is dumped under "Other Previous Earnings", but then if you have personal leave the next week it pulls it out and the "Other" changes.
No consistency. -
Michael Riley commented
This is something that needs to come up the development list please
Emma Angier commented
The option to change the unit from hours to days or remove completely needs to be added. Also to have no unit & just an amount would be useful. We have allowances paid on a monthly basis & some additional pay items are based on days rather than hours.
Also for those on a Monthly Salary there is no need to include hours & an hourly rate on their payslip. -
Michelle Marrinan commented
I have clients that would like the payslip to be the exact reflection of the Pay Template that they set up for their employees, in particular for the Earnings lines. I have clients that pay a number of rates, overtime, allowances etc. When they are checking the payslips it is quite time consuming as the order is all out of order compared to the reports and timesheets they are using.
Natalie Karlicek commented
This is very important, I have an employee who switches between day and night shift, the template list both variances of ordinary hours, then time and half of both and then both the double time, its not segregated and makes it confusing for everyone. Be good so I can list all day together and then all night together
Helen Stone commented
I have been asking for this for quite some time - ability to remove hours and rate.
Law Sherlyn commented
Currently Xero dont have the function for user to customize Payslip templates?
Nathalie Binder commented
100% agree. Just like you can for invoices. Why you can't change the layout for payslips is frustrating.
There should be so much more you can do with the style of payslips.
I for one would like to add an attachment of their timesheet.
Sahib Singh commented
Remove YTD figures
When a person joins from another company the figures from P45 carried onto the YTD in payslip -
Payroll Services commented
The limitation of being able to set up pay templates to include day rates and different unit rates does not help the client.
Mark Vranjkovic commented
would like to remove YTD Figures column
Consolidate the Tax so shows net rather than two or more Tax items
David Imanuel commented
Hi, requesting an improved memo setting within payroll. Can we have more setting for memo? for an example a font, format (bold, italic, strike and understrike) and repeating memo.
Example, a quite unique bonus system for a certain employee and we would like to show her the description for the bonus. we would like to put it on a smaller font size with italic format. -
Carly Dobbin commented
This would be really useful to have on the UK version too. We have long discussions every month with our Sales team because the YTD figures complicate their view of their commission earnt.
The payslips become long and difficult to read by the end of the year with all of the itemised holidays and bank holidays etc.
Olivia Hatt commented
The ability to customize payslips.
For example, I would like to:
- reduce the amount of unnecessary blank space in the top half of the payslip
- hide the YTD information
- combine all public holidays into one line rather than all on separate ones
- reduce the font size to keep everything on one page rather than run over onto two -
Olivia Hatt commented
Can we have this for UK payroll as well. I want to hide the YTD information as my employees have said it's unnecessary and just clutters up the payslip.
Sandra Nickless commented
We would like to only have the word SALARY used on top of payslips rather then SALARY AND WAGES. Causes confusion between the two categories and payment implications where an Award is applicable.
Ross Mason commented
We would like the option of having long service leave only show for employees who have reached 10 years service.
Ruth Bachelor commented
It would be great to be able to add links etc to articles that we want to tell staff about
Geoff Schmidt commented
Provide payslip custom-template functionality like invoices
Jason Rooney commented
Agree also with this and is something we would like to be able to do. We would like to be able to modify and control the order the different pay lines are shown to avoid confusion.