XPM - Allow Practice Staff to Edit Contacts, Groups, and Relationships without Full Edit Access
Have a separation of Client Edit privileges to allow practice staff to edit Contacts, Groups, and Relationships without having full edit access (e.g. will not be able to edit client address, email address, Agent, etc)

Elisa Harris commented
Totally agree, coming from a firm that transitioned from Handi 18 months ago, it is less than ideal for all staff to be able to view all these personal details for staff and their families/entities such as:
- Home address
- Dates of birth
- How many and which entities the staff member has -
Mark Penkethman commented
copy the functionality of access Handisoft to be able to hide details of partners and their own entities from staff in XPM. They can see TFN for example. In Handisoft they can'r even see an address much less who in in the partners private group.
Joe Fooks commented
Great idea, would love to see more granularity in staff access. Would like this to extend to restriction of editing client bank account details as well if staff have edit access.
Julie Heard commented
Great idea
Joey Bienke commented
Fantastic idea this would really help our practice.
Christie Maitland commented
This would be a great feature without allowing the staff to have full edit access to the client's details.
Katrina Lucas commented
In order to do tax returns you need to edit relationships so this enhancement would benefit us greatly as well to allow efficient preparation of tax returns.
Jenna Liddle commented
Great idea, this would assist in our team being a lot more efficient.
Nathan Hampson commented
Great idea. Please implement this!
Debbie Cochrane commented
Important - would also like to be able to edit addresses and names too!
Mitch Bonner commented
Pradipta Niraula commented