AU Payroll: Filter superannuation payments screen
Multi select or more filter options when processing superannuation payments. This would expediate processing super payments for large employers. For example, you should be able to filter the super payment to show only last month super and select all and submit for payment. At the moment, if we want to process the previous month's super, we have to manually unselect each employee super that relates to the next month or quarter that we aren't required to pay yet.

Jo Schon commented
Another Column for the period that is covered, and another for when it is paid.
Tara Lennie commented
I totally agree Madeline!
Rochelle Spencer commented
I agree Madeline.
Many of my clients prefer to lodge monthly and it is a painful process to manually select the pays to be included.
The other issue is that the pay period end date might be in one month but the payment date in the next month.
Whilst this might not cause any issues if contributions are included before they were intending to be paid (eg; pay fortnight ending February, paid in March but included with February super payment); it becomes an issue if you commence lodging super through Xero partway through a quarter and need to ensure contributions lodged outside of Xero are not paid again, or missed entirely.
This happened with one of my clients who commenced lodging super through Xero with the March 2023 contributions.
Unfortunately, pays with a pay period ending in February were not included in the March 2023 lodgement as it was not realised that they were paid in March.
As a result, approximately $1,700.00 in penalties have been imposed on the SGC statement completed.
Xero, it would be really appreciated if you could look at amending the filter options on super lodgements.