Practice Manager | Reports - Sort by Staff in WIP Ledger
Would be great if we could sort by staff in the WIP Ledger reports. We can select staff it in the fields but not criteria. Would be good to provide reports to managers for their staff only.

Jarryd Sue commented
Agree with this - pretty disappointing to make the switch to XPM and find that there is no WIP report by employee. This is VERY important. Reviewing by task is clunky.
Elise Bygrave commented
we need to be able to run a WIP report by Client group please. As our practice invoices via group not just individuals.
Peter Mitchell commented
We would use this daily!
Kelly Smith commented
Aged WIP report per employee
At the moment Aged WIP is based on Job and Client details, it would be beneficial at practice level to have the option to for aged WIP per employee, very much like Aged Receivable Detail/Summary, where the client is replaced with employee.
Hopefully this would be a very easy build, given the structure already exists.