Practice Manager | Jobs - Ability to update job Tax Return is associated
Ability to transfer tax return link to other jobs. we have created a tax return in the wrong job or want to transfer the return to another job. Would be great if the hot link can be disconnected and reconnected to a different job.

Hi community, thanks for your interest on this. While being able to move a Tax Return to another job is something we may look to do later, it's not in the near term plans. For now, we'll continue to collect and monitor your feedback, and share if there's any progress.
Nev Dowe commented
This is important when a return is created prior to a job being raised. This occurred more frequently in the early days of using Xero but is still applicable when the client desires to make an amendment.
We want to create an amendment and apply it to a job, but this is not possible at the moment. Thanks for looking into this for us. -
Jocelyn Tamai commented
Working in admin, its very frustrating when someone has accidentally created the TR on the wrong job. Suddenly we've got two jobs that need to be closed or recreated or renamed, and timesheets are all over the place. Most of the time we only notice this once the job's been billed out and we can't move the timesheets anymore. Considering we can easily move timesheets from job to job, would it be that much more difficult to create this feature?
Ali McDonnell commented
Please consider this ASAP, would be a very useful feature :)
Carey Batchelor commented
Automatic BAS going into wrong jobs is a pain as well. You should have the ability to move BAS/returns to another job. Also when you amend a BAS or return it should be able to be attached to a new job, not the original job that is, most of the time closed.
Vicki Caban commented
The automatic AS download feature in Xero is awesome! However, it's use is severely undermined by the fact that the auto downloaded AS's nearly ALWAYS end up in the wrong job! Unfortunately the Activity Statement is often sent to the client and e-signed before we realise that it is attached to the wrong job. Being able to simply move the AS to another job (like we can with timesheets) will mean that we can keep more accurate track of our jobs and invoice our clients from the correct job.
Samantha Cotton commented
Xero please consider this sooner rather than later, as its one of the most frustrating things about Xero - that if an accountant has created a return in the wrong job it has to be deleted and re-created again rater than simply moving it.
Yes i also second making it mandatory for returns to be created within a job as we too have the issue of some accountants not following procedures and creating tax returns without a job and then we cant link it with the appropriate job.
Should be an option like you can move time sheet entries to different jobs.
Jade Fisher commented
If not in the near term plans, then developers should at least consider having a global setting that makes the job number mandatory (obviously for practices that don't use XPM it can be switched off). We have staff members that continually create a return without attaching it to a job at all, no matter how much we tell them to. The only solution at present is to delete the return and start a new one, which is a huge waste of time and causes us to run out of swear words on a regular basis.
Melissa Soares commented
Yes this would be very time consuming! Having multiple jobs under the one client and then having the automatic AS & tax return selected this makes it painful when the automatic AS & tax returns land in the incorrect job. You select automatic as you don't want to forget it needs to be done, but when being put in incorrect job then it is painful to delete the whole thing and re-enter again in new job under the same client.
Sam Caltabiano commented
This would be very good to have and a great time saver
Kezia Eman commented
Yes please allow to transfer tax return from one job to another job without having to start from scratch each time someone makes a mistake
Kavindra Hewapathirana commented
We need to be able to add tax return to a job after its created in case someone forgets to do that when they set it up
Dot Elavaiygh commented
When automatic activity statements sometime populate in a different job to intended, or a tax return for a client is created under the wrong (client's) job it's tedious to remove and redo the entire thing in the correct job especially when it comes to billing. Please allow the option to move a lodgement that is still in the draft state to another job.