Xero Tax(NZ) - Losses carried forward
Losses carried forward have to be manually entered into XPM tax each year. It would be great if the information flowed through automatically from the tax return so that all we have to do is confirm it matches the IRD assessment. At a minimum it would be great if the losses to carry forward figure from 2023 automatically rolled forward to 2024 once it has been confirmed.

Sharon Julian commented
Yes please, I was talking to one of our Principals about how we update XPM stmts but they never flow into the INC returns. What a waste of time it is. Would love to have either the above or the XPM stmts loss page flow into the INC returns.
Heather Daniels commented
This is very important along with excess rental deductions. Other systems used do this and it would save time. It is too easy to overlook otherwise.
Anita Loughrey commented
Would save me a lot of Hassle!
Jean Sutherland commented
If the losses are entered into XPM into the Losses tab under Tax Statements Summary then they do carry forward into the following year's tax return. However it seems ridiculous that these have to be manually entered to a separate table - every other software I have used has picked these up automatically from the prior year tax return keypoints.
Then, to make matters worse, the losses tab also has a section for excess residential rental losses and excess imputation credits but these do not carry forward into the following year's tax return.
This manual process risks these losses being overlooked.
Rachel Smith commented
This applies to Australian Tax Returns as well please!
Julia Craig commented
In the 2023 IR4 returns, we would like to have print on the Tax Statement, the Losses Brought Forward. (It was also an issue with the 2023 IR6, but has since been resolved)
I've been told that if there aren't any losses claimed, or there are further losses to add, the BFWD balance won't print.
The balance at the bottom of the Statement to Carry Forward to next year, does print with the correct balance.