Personal Tax (UK) - Tax adviser details
Ability to auto-fill tax adviser details for all clients (as agents) rather than manually adding the details for each tax return/year.

Thanks for raising this idea, Abhaas. The tax adviser details will roll forward into the next year for each client, once added. But we totally understand that entering them in one place for all clients would be a big time saver.
For full transparency, this is something we'd love to solve for you, but we currently are working on other items like importing HMRC data and supporting the SA107, so it isn't currently something that is planned right now.
We definitely see the positives from auto-filling the tax adviser details so we'll continue to monitor interest in this idea and consider how this fits into our plans with making tax and practice management more integrated.
Paul Colman commented
Seriously?! Do I have to manually add the same tax adviser's details on every new tax return client? Isn't this a simple fix for the Xero wizards?