Xero Tax (AU) | Calculator tool
I'd love a calculator tool in Xero Tax preferably one that is activated using hotkeys.

Tara Broderick commented
This is my "go to" website for tax calculators - I also point my staff to this website as it's illegal for me to give financial advice to staff.
Kenny MacDonald commented
Yes I also would love to have a calculator that I can pop up quickly. There's plenty of room in the top right navigation for one.
P. Grantley Orth commented
Gives a simple tool to use when a client asks 'roughly how much tax is payable on $100,000' for example.
Alana Macklin commented
Handisoft has a F4 function that I used daily that provides the estimated tax for the current and next tax year, such a helpful tool to implement
Tom Melvin commented
Should be easy to do just like Handisoft have.
Karen Hobbs commented
Tax calculator - Handi has a button you can press for a tax calculator, just enter the income and it shows the Tax, Medicare & offsets (low income & former low & middle income). Awesome feature that allows you to show a client quickly why their refunds are low. Also allows a quick cross check.
Amanda Knowles commented
A quick individual tax calculator - just requires taxable income and PAYG to be entered - and the tax, offsets and medicare is auto calculated. Tick box for resident, tax free threshold and private health.
Handisoft has a tax calculator that does this - the estimated tax is calculated in 10 seconds. Much better and quicker than the ATO's calculators (and the ATO doesn't do current year - only prior).