Advisor Reports (financials) - hide empty notes in report templates
You heartily pat yourself on the back for a job well done in the latest blog post re: product updates, while missing the point completely.
Cool, you now hide empty notes in the financials automatically, but you DON'T recast the numbering of the notes, so I still have to go through and click '...' -> 'Hide' anyway.
Looking at the Balance Sheet before doing this the numbering goes:
- 2
- 3
- 5
- 15
Not very professional now, is it.
Thanks for feeding back on this with us here, Paul. We appreciate that you'd like Xero to auto renumber notes on screen where they are automatically hidden in report templates. While there is a bit of complexity in being able to do this, our team have ensured Xero will automatically renumber notes on any published or exported documents, keeping your reports consistent and professional.