Hubdoc - Set date to current century
Stop dating in 1900s.
Today I typed in the date 5/3/25. Click on the little calendar that appears, the month says March 25. Click on 5 March 25.
Hubdoc interprets this as the year 1925.
I dont think there are many people entering receipts from 100 years ago.
Please remove those last century calendars from Hubdoc.
While you fix that, since the Hubdoc file is linked to a Xero file can you also stop hubdoc processing into a closed year. It warns you AFTER it's been sent to Xero, then doesn't let you correct it because of the status - you have to download the attachment and start all over again.

Thanks for sharing this with us here, Vicki. I've made sure your feedback is passed onto our product team.
It's best if an idea is specific to one feature request so that others know what they're voting for and to help product better understand the interest for a feature.
We have a separate idea around the lock dates that I've just added your vote for across here. We don't have any plans for this but if any are made I'll let you know, there.