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1,176 votes
Hi community, we understand your needs in this feature and want to assure you were taking on board all your feedback.
As many of you accustom to this idea will know, multiple addresses requires a complex solution. It's been something we’ve been moving towards for some time and we’ve done a lot of back end work that will allow us to bring it to you in the future.
We have 12 different products within Xero that rely on contact data, as well as many of our app partners. This means that contacts need to seamlessly flow across technology, products and all connections on Xero. And that’s exactly what we’ve been working on.
One of the reasons we announced the retirement of classic invoicing is because many of the features being asked for, just can’t be brought into classic invoicing. The old technology has too many technology limitations to enable this.…
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
Sherri, work-arounds are fine (I have my own and I'm sure that others will have developed their own too) BUT... they should not be necessary!
In purchase orders there is an option (bottom left hand corner) to store / choose from multiple delivery addresses or add a new one, so the coding exists already - why have Xero been so reluctant to implement it for Invoices?An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
So three months have passed since I wrote about this on X (Twitter) and despite a 'phone call from a Xero rep' assuring me that this would be expedited, nothing has been seen of heard since, which kind of proves my point - Xero don't care, they just want to get you off X asap to protect their image.
An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
Dear Briana,Thank you for your reply the format of which suggests that it is an edited cut and paste "stock" reply which has been used many times in response to several client complaints.
I am aware of the "Xero Product Idea" within Xero Central - indeed if you read the comments that go back several years, you will see that I have contributed many times. Unfortunately, despite Kelly Munro's assurances on March 6th 2023 that the team were "working on it" (see excerpt of her reply below) nothing has been heard from her in the intervening 12 months and a solution has still not been achieved for the (nearly 1000) clients who have voted for it.
Kelly Munro - " Multiple addresses has been enabled in the back end of contacts. As mentioned in our previous update this is a complex piece of work, as we need to now build this into other areas of Xero where it'll add value.For this reason the work within Contacts is not live yet, as without building this feature across these other areas it wouldn't have much practical use. But to confirm, work's moving along and we look forward to being able to share more"
I do not accept that a company the size of Xero with all of the IT specialists and technicians it employs can't find a way to resolve this quickly if the will to do so exists. The fact that this has been ongoing for so many years indicates that Xero is not taking the issue seriously despite its assurances to the contrary.
I am also aware of the "work around" involving setting up a separate account for each different delivery address - this is messy and time consuming. Furthermore, sending multiple statements out to a single entity, which this would necessitate, is impractical, time consuming and annoying for both vendor and purchaser. Analysing client sales / payment data would also be considerably more complex if multiple account files were to be set up in this way.
Similarly, editing the customer account with a new delivery address each time is both messy and time consuming - particularly as it has to be done on a line by line basis (it is not possible to simply cut and paste multiple lines of an address into the available fields).My request also mentions another issue regarding the transition from Classic to "New" Invoicing, which you have not addressed. In Classic, the available stock was shown on the invoice template when entering a figure in the quantity column, however in the New Invoicing system it does not - meaning the operator has to open another "session" and view the available stock in "Business / Products and Services". Again, this is time consuming and effectively a downgrading of Xero's product. This functionality is still available in "Quotes" and indeed shows when raising a "Credit Note" within the Invoicing tab, so the coding obviously exists, leading me to think that Xero has deliberately turned the function off within Invoicing for some reason. Again, this is a popular topic on the "Product Ideas" page of Xero Central that has not been addressed by anyone at Xero since I first wrote about it in August 2022!, I remain highly unsatisfied and frustrated with the lack of progress and poor communication from Xero. I get the feeling that, on the rare occasions that Xero do reply, the aim of the reply is to stall, obfuscate and placate, with no intention to actually address the issues raised. My position therefore remains, that if at the end of my financial year Xero has not addresses these issues and provided solutions, I will be looking to change to another platform where the aforementioned functionality already exists and you will lose my business. In the meantime, I will also continue to use X (Twitter) to keep others aware of the lack of progress and the disregard that Xero has for its existing customers. As a courtesy to other Xero clients I will also be copying this thread to the Xero central.
I look forward to receiving your further and more positive feedback in due course.
Graham Tottle
An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
I recently wrote about this on X (Twitter) and almost immediately received a reply directing me to write to them directly (to get me off Twitter ASAP...?)
To be fair, they have replied - but as you can see from the text below, I am not altogether happy with their response...------8<-----
Contacts - Allow multiple addresses for a single contact record.
Invoicing - show available stock (as on quotations)
There has been no response from Zero regarding the above topic since Kelly Munro's reply of March 6th 2023 despite over 1000 (Xero) clients voting and stating they are serious issues for them. I have posted to Xero Central many times and written to your CEO Sukhinda, only to be either ignored, or referred back to Xero Central. This is not good enough. Not only is there no progress, but there is no feedback from Xero who seem to be holding their clients in complete contempt. Even after posting to X (Twitter) your colleagues referred me back to Xero Central - which is like going round and round in circles. At the end of my financial year, I will be switching to another provider - I am sick and tired of being ignored.
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Support specialist
Yesterday 10:04 PM
Hi GrahamThank you for inviting Xero Support into your organisation.
It sounds like you want to enter multiple delivery addresses for a single contact record in Xero. If that's correct, this isn't currently possible in Xero but we've noted your interest in this feature and passed the feedback to our Product Team for inclusion in their regular reviews.
The Product Team is already looking into developing that functionality for the future and there's an existing Xero Product Idea for this feature where you can vote and comment on the request. I've included the link below. When there are any new developments or releases for this feature, we'll post an update on that page to let our users know.
In the meantime, one option would be to create a separate contact record in Xero for each delivery address. However, please note that every contact in Xero must have a unique name, so you'd need to enter a different name for each contact record. This can be as little as added a period or number to the name.
Alternatively, you could update the delivery address on each invoice as needed. With that method, the new address will automatically be saved to the contact record and update the details there as well.
I've included links to support articles with more information.
Xero Central articles:
Add a new contact
Edit a contact
Add a delivery address to an invoice
Xero Product Ideas: Contacts - Allow multiple addresses for a single contact record
If we've misunderstood your question, please let us know.
Kind regards
(As Xero limit this field, my rely to Briana will follow)
An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
Hi Kelly
Do you actually exist - or are (your?) annual excuses AI generated?
Are the tech's actually working on this or is Xero just stringing us along to keep taking the money each month?
An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
I agree with most of the comments on this thread - Xero clearly have no intention of keeping their customers updated or making the requested changes. In addition to the request for multiple delivery addresses, I have also been contributing to the thread on showing available stock levels in the quantity field when typing an invoice (as per the Classic system, the quotation and billing screens) Again, a deafening silence from Xero (as the coding already exists and is working in other templates, why is it so difficult to implement in Invoicing?)
Anyway, my head is hurting from ******* it against these particular brick walls (I even tried writing to the new CEO but she couldn't be bothered to reply either) so I think a change of tack is required. I have had a great deal of success recently in embarrassing large companies on X (formerly Twitter) so from now I think a regular (lack of) progress report on the Xero Twitter page will be forthcoming - perhaps it will save any potential new Xero customers from being disappointed..... if anyone cares to contribute their Twitter (I will always call it Twitter as I think the X title is just daft) handle is @XeroAn error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
Hi Kelly, coming up to the anniversary of your last contribution to your client's concerns - would you like a cake?
On a serious note - no progress, no updates = no clients.
Getting a bit ridiculous now.An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
Xero's attitude to this "issue" is nothing short of contemptuous to its clients. The feature (to add different delivery addresses) exists in the Purchase Order screen, so the code is already written - why can't this be applied to the invoice page too?
We all had an e-mail from the new CEO (Sukhinder Singh Cassidy) saying she wanted to be open to clients so I wrote to her, only to get a reply from minions with the usual platitudes fobbing off the questions - so much for a "new broom".
Xero spend a fortune on slick TV adverts, but can't even be bothered to look after the genuine concerns of its existing users.
Time is running out for Xero as far as many users are concerned.An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
Completely agree with Kim and William on this one - the deafening silence from Xero is shocking. I note that after a few adverse comments on another issue (Show contacts on one page) the thread was "closed" recently - Xero said contributors were going off topic.... so I suspect the same will happen to this one shortly too. The new CEO (Sukhinder Singh Cassidy) promised more openness but when I wrote to her, I received a message back from her "team" (the people I was complaining about) repeating the same old platitudes, before presumably sending my comments to the recycling bin.
This feature (multiple delivery addresses) already exists as a feature on the Purchase Order screen, so it can't be difficult to implement, I am therefore left with no other option but to conclude that Xero don't want to do it for some reason and are not being honest in their (2) replies? Perhaps they are looking at a "cost v benefit" analysis that tells them they won't lose too many clients by not doing anything so it won't affect their bottom line too much - or am I being too cynical? Either way, I won't be recommending Xero to anyone until the situation changes for the better and as soon as practical will be moving to another platform with better customer service.
Sukhinder needs to get across this - I don't think they realise how angry their clients are about being fobbed off, patronised and ignored in this way.An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
A year on - nearly 500 clients crying out for a solution and still nothing from Xero.
This feature (multiple delivery addresses) already exists in the Purchase Order screen, so it should be relatively straightforward to enable something similar for invoicing (if of course there is a will to do it.....)
Shockingly slow effort from Xero.An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
So by now, you will all have received a message from the new CEO at Xero, Sukhinder, in which she suggested that if anyone had an issue that they thought would merit her personal attention, they should write to her directly.
So I did, regarding the (lack of) progress and communication on the issue of multiple delivery addresses (about which some 417 of us have now written). The reply I received is below.
Given that I was actually complaining about the people who deal with (ignore) issues sent through Xero central / product ideas - I am now waiting for a reply from.... (drumroll).... the very people who I was complaining about - who continue to ignore me, because, despite another week passing I have not received a reply.-----8<-----
Thanks for reaching out to - I love hearing from you and getting your feedback.
Emails to this inbox will be monitored by the Xero team and we’ll do our best to respond where possible.
If you have a support query, please continue to reach out via Xero Central. For all feature requests and product ideas, please go to Xero Product Ideas.
Best wishes,
Sukhinder and the Xero team
For anyone interested - the transcript of my e-mail is belowThis is not customer service - it's rudeness.
May I take the opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment and thank you for your introductory e-mail, which has arrived at a particularly opportune moment as I have become increasingly frustrated with the lack of feedback and basic customer service from Xero over recent months.
Writing comments and suggestions via Xero Central seems to be like shouting into a void. One particular issue that has been ongoing for almost a year now concerns the facility (or rather the current lack of it) for multiple delivery addresses to be stored for each contact, a facility supported now by over 400 of your clients. If you look at the timeline, there has been only one response from Xero (in September 2022) in which we were all told by Kelly Munro that Xero were working hard behind the scenes…. but nothing since. Having posted to the forum again in January and still not received a reply, I took to Twitter as follows:
still no update on multiple delivery address capability - ongoing for a year. 400 of your users have told you this is crucial, but no comment from Xero since 11 Sep 2022. Ignoring your customers is never a good idea.
Replying to
Thanks for the prompt and feedback. We're not ignoring you ... there is no further update. Per the post from us in September, we're undertaking work behind the scenes which will allow us to more easily add new features and ideas like this. ^OGFrom a customer’s point of view, these replies are somewhat condescending and patronising. It is unacceptable to be “kept in the dark” in this way with no timescale for Beta testing or implementation mentioned. To be told that “it’s complicated and we are working on it” is just not good enough. I believe that we are entitled to expect better.
An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
378 votes and 10 months and still nothing from Xero. Kelly Munro stated in September that Xero are working on it, but nothing since then. This is unacceptable in terms of basic customer service in A) sorting out an issue that so many are being inconvenienced by and B) updating their clients as to progress. I am really not interested in excuses from Xero about how complex their systems are, we need solutions not excuses and platitudes. I find it inconceivable that Xero do not have coders / IT specialists who could sort this out quickly if there is there is actually the will to do it.
Maybe it's time to take to Twitter (@Xero) to advise potential new clients how poorly their customers are treated......Graham Tottle supported this idea ·
45 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Graham Tottle commented
If stock levels were shown in a pop up window when a figure is entered in the quantity column on Invoices / Quotes it would be really helpful. It shows when you are typing a credit note so it must be possible - can't think of why it's usual to have in Credit notes but not on Invoices / Quotations?
Graham Tottle supported this idea ·
48 votes
Thank you to everyone that contributed to the teams research in this space. We wanted to share that discovery for bulk updating stock quantities has been greatly insightful and we're pleased to share that we are moving forward to develop a solution.
We'll shift the idea to working on it as development begins, and as this moves along we'll return when there is more opportunity for you to get involved.
8 votes
Graham Tottle supported this idea ·
I have recently been in direct e-mail contact with Kelly regarding this issue. Here is my latest reply to her:
Thank you for your reply. I will indeed reserve judgement as I believe actions speak louder than words. However, my expectations are low given that there has been no progress for such a long time. Furthermore, I have written to you several times over the last three years through Xero Central without getting replies or progress on subjects that are critical for a large number of your clients. After I wrote about the situation on X (Twitter), I was contacted by telephone by one of your colleagues who said he would follow up, but he never did, so I'm sure you will appreciate my continued cynicism. There has been no progress or any updates regarding multiple delivery address for months if not years. Nor has there been an update regarding the removal of the available stock figure in the quantity field in new invoicing.
For a large company professing to be a market leader along with Quickbooks, Sage etc this lack of communication is both unprofessional and insulting to your clients. Xero has been "working on it" for too long - exactly how many programmers are working on these issues? I simply fail to believe that it can be that difficult (if there is a will to do it) and that it should take this long - particularly as multiple delivery addresses are already available in Purchase Orders and available stock is shown in the quantity fields of both Quotations and Credit notes - presumably these features integrate across all of Xero's applications, so why are they not included in new invoicing? Given the aforementioned, the fact that Xero are delaying their deployment within new invoicing leads me to the conclusion that they are both possible but are being lined up as chargeable extras in the future - not something that will be welcomed, I'm sure.
I will therefore continue to make people aware of these issues on X (Twitter) as a matter of public service, until at least these two issues have been satisfactorily resolved.
Graham Tottle