New Invoicing - Show stock level when adding a Tracked inventory item
When typing a quote, available stock used to show (when you typed a figure in the "quantity" field (if available stock was less than required the open window would turn red) but it doesn't now. It would be great if this feature were also added to invoices (and quotations as before) so that one didn't need to check stock on a different page for each item being invoiced. I note that it shows when typing a credit note, so it must be possible!

Hi everyone, back again and pleased to share that viewing stock on hand is now with all users in new invoicing!
We appreciate the engagements you've all shown to let us know the importance of this feature when invoicing and how being able to view how many items of tracked inventory you have when invoicing, enhances your workflow. Thank you for feeding back and sharing your thoughts with us here.
Do keep joining, or start new ideas to let us know further changes you'd like to see developed.
Alex Wood commented
Great to see this feature return this morning, helps keep on top of stoked and need for re-order.
Nest for new invoice change, 1) Why is send pdf email now so slow?
2) Item look up is also slower, up to 4 secs. -
Steven Sesselmann commented
I suggest improving the invoice screen to highlight out of stock (tracked items),
and why not go all the way and make a function with a button to automatically convert out of stock lines to a draft invoice. -
Valerio Rosellini commented
Cannot see available inventory when recording a quantity of an item into an invoice when the invoice is copied from a quote. I can see now the available inventory of an item when I start an invoice from scratch, but I cannot see that when I modify an invoice or when it comes from a previously agreed quote which I copy to a new invoice and update with the required quantity of an order.
Gouwah Rinquest- Jaipal commented
In the old Invoice layout that will soon become redundant, those who use inventory tracking were able to see how much stock is on hand by clicking on the unit number when creating an invoice. This has since been removed with the new invoice version that becomes compulsory to use on the 19th November 2024. Please can you bring that feature back.
Diana Quintero commented
Very important!
Kristal Adams commented
Showing inventory in quanty to show the items inventory like the old invoicing to the new version please.
Mike Watkins commented
This was on old system for invoicing - can't understamd why we are forced/encouraged to use new system before features such as these have been included. Poor implementation!
Shereen Bell commented
With the New Invoicing I cannot see the TRACKED STOCK ON HAND when entering in a stock code - this is a current feature in Classic Invoicing.
I only use Tracked Inventory and this was a great feature of CLASSIC Invoicing, why have you removed that feature?
Could it please be implemented into the NEW INVOICE Version?
The whole point of tracked inventory is to keep an eye on STOCK ON HAND, so I don't want to be manually cutting a report of stock on hand list to do invoicing in a busy period... I do not understand why you have removed this from the NEW INVOICING - PL:EASE PLEASE consider adding this to the FINAL: NEW INVOICING software upgrade. Thank-you -
Mike Baptiste commented
We're seeing stock levels in our quotes and invoices now. Thank you!!!
Well - scratch that - it was there for two days then disappeared... Bummer
Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Jess Stevenson commented
PLEASE fix this feature before turning off the classic invoicing!!!! The new invoicing system is no longer time efficient when invoicing and even though there are some nice new features (like being able to print packing slips) the quantity on hand feature is VERY IMPORTANT. I know this varies from business to business but reading other comments, I'd say this is very important feature is warranted and Xero need to get this set up ASAP.
Sue Soper commented
Critical to move forward
Daniel Sheldon commented
In classic invoicing, you are able to click into the quantity of an item to see how many you currently have on hand. In new invoicing this isn't shown, it only prevents the approving of the invoice and gives an error stating that the quantity of an item on hand is not enough. Then, if you have more than one item which the inventory level is not enough, it only shows a message for one.
Would be great if this feature could return in new invoicing as currently I have to switch to classic when dealing with them and with its impending removal on the 19th November I will have to go into my inventory items and work out the discrepancies manually.
Debbie Spooner commented
It is so important to be able to see availability of stock held when invoicing. It takes so much longer when the invoice is then rejected due to not enough stock, especially when it is for several items.
I can't believe you have turned what was a good system into this unworkable version (especially with all the price rises). It worked, you have messed with it, now it doesn't work.
Craig Buck commented
We need to know what happening here, its getting to a stage where I will be forced into looking at new software.
I cant believe how long this simple step is taking to get resolved. In addition I cant believe this system cant manage back orders! Really!!!!
Very disgruntled user!
Susie Anderson commented
I've noticed that you can see the inventory item qty in hand when creating quotes but it's not yet working for invoices. Working around it by having products & services open in another screen but it's a giant pain. Any update, team Xero?
Chelsea Adams commented
Hi, I'm trying to adapt to the new invoicing system, but the lack of stock visibility is a significant drawback. Because of this, I find myself reverting to the classic version. Please provide an update. Thank you
Alena Tserakhava commented
Hello all,
Anyone knows what is happening? This is what my client wrote. Looks like he needs to know if he has to look for a different software. "I was making a new invoice this morning using the new module. Unfortunately, still nothing has been done to recognise stock items when you enter the qty. This still only happens when you finalise the invoice, therefore if you have a multitude of items entered you will have to go back & amend the item or items at the very end. This is unworkable! "
John Kennedy commented
is there any update on this ? i cant believe this has been missed.
Eric E commented
Hello Kelly, there's a few weeks to go until we are required to use the new invoicing, but the quantity feature for tracked items still doesn't appear to have been rolled out to production. Can you advise whether this feature will be available prior to November, when use of the new invoicing is required.