Contacts - Allow multiple addresses for a single contact record
Ability to create and save multiple addresses for a single contact record
Purpose: Allow customers to map customer & supplier details against a single contact record

Hi community, we understand your needs in this feature and want to assure you were taking on board all your feedback.
As many of you accustom to this idea will know, multiple addresses requires a complex solution. It's been something we’ve been moving towards for some time and we’ve done a lot of back end work that will allow us to bring it to you in the future.
We have 12 different products within Xero that rely on contact data, as well as many of our app partners. This means that contacts need to seamlessly flow across technology, products and all connections on Xero. And that’s exactly what we’ve been working on.
One of the reasons we announced the retirement of classic invoicing is because many of the features being asked for, just can’t be brought into classic invoicing. The old technology has too many technology limitations to enable this. Change to new invoicing is key to being able to enable us to build features like multiple address details. Between now and September our invoicing team are focused on prioritising the features from classic invoicing that need to be brought across to the new version. Multiple addresses is one of the key features they want to work towards but includes many steps. For example, we enabled it in the back end of contacts last year, but now need to be able to build it into our new invoicing solution. We will keep you updated here of any progression.
Jill Fechner commented
So, the new invoicing is out and creating havoc. When will multiple addresses be available? It should have been ready to go launch the minute classic was retired.
Paul Kamps commented
Absolute joke that this isn't available yet.
Shai Shandil commented
Hey Kelly, thank you for the updates. We appreciate you!
Is there a quarter on your roadmap for when this feature has been allocated to?
Also, just checking if this also means that the address selected for an invoice will persist with that invoice, even after a contact adds a new address in the future?
Rebecca Biesenbach commented
that is a good thing. For my company i deal with builders that have multiple locations . so that would be very helpful for me. they know what invoice goes to what location.
Diana Camargo commented
This would be very helpful because if I work with a contractor I want to keep track how much he owes me even if it distributed with multiple addresses. Here is a example of how we do this is on our scheduling system.
Hendrik Jap commented
I cannot believe this has not happened yet. No wonder I see Xero is increasing their advertising budget, but they forget this critical feature.
Michelle Papamichael commented
Will this be added to the New Invoicing being rolled out in March 2025? We have the onerous task of saving the packing slip as a PDF then having to edit the PDF to change the delivery address to suit for customers who have multiple delivery address - the only other work around for this is to create multiple Customer Contacts with the same name but adding in brackets the suburb or street address, however this gets problematic for our clients who then receive multiple statements for their account and only want one consolidated statement!
Frank Mountain commented
Hi there,
Just wondering if there is an update on the roll out of multiple delivery addresses for one Contact? Thank you 🙏 -
Nino Driussi commented
When is the release date for this feature?
It looks really bad for a software developer to have a big miss like this.
A lot of companies do business with single bill to: to multiple ship to: functions.
To expect a business, that does B2B transactions to only service a single address is only for a certain type of business.
It's database fields, to reports.
Please step the implementation of this feature.It does not need whole lot of features embedded in it to get it started.
Just leave room for improvement as feature requests are attainable.Something is better than nothing.
Anya Pagden commented
I cannot believe this is such a long running saga for something that has been standard on all packages I have worked with before.
Given the length of time that Xero customers appear to have been requesting this update are Xero even considering it in the near future?
Cable Tech Solutions commented
@Kelly Munro is there any update on this? I just read through the new invoicing features being released and this is nowhere to be found.
Caryn Johnston-Tozer commented
Hi Kelly,
Please confirm when we can expect this important update on a single contact with multiple delivery addresses. This is a a basic and having to enter the address manually defeats the objective of the automation and time saving aspect xero promotes. -
John Jutsum commented
@Kelly Munro - is there any further update or ETA for the multiple addresses functionality? It appears to have been 9 months since the last update. Thx.
Cable Tech Solutions commented
Anyone aware of software other than Quickbooks that can handle this address issue? It's difficult enough to deal with having to create multiple accounts for the same customer with many different branches, but I didnt realize when I change that branches deliver too address for a drop shipment for them, it will change all of my old invoices to that new address. That's just plain rediculous in the accounting world.
I don't want to go back to QB, so anyone aware of another software similar to Xero that handles these multiple ship too addresses?
Holly Sproat commented
Are there any third party apps that can be used as a work around for this, or do all contact details default to the details held in Xero?
This issue is the main reason we are not moving from Sage50 to Xero which is so frustrating as Xero will provide efficiencies in many other areas! -
Cable Tech Solutions commented
Also in regards to Jenny's comment.... I can't believe updating an address will change past invoices?? That's insane! The software does so much so well but that's just accounting 101! You can't allow the software to change past invoices.
Henrik Maier commented
Commenting on Jenny's incident: Even the fact that one can accidentally alter historical records like invoices is a joke for an accounting system. A past and issued invoice for a closed and reconciled transaction should NEVER change just because an address for a customer has been updated. Finalized accounting records should be immutable.
Jenny Joosten commented
Interesting that this is considered a product idea when in fact the delivery address process is "BROKEN".
For example...I updated the address today, and ALL PREVIOUS addresses are updated. Customers with links to their invoices now all have incorrect addresses.
Please explain how this isn't a priority, as it's "broken"
Does this actually breach confidentiality of the delivery customer?????It is extremely difficult to know where our products (pools) were delivered for warranty purposes.
Fiona Guest commented
Having multiple shipping addresses in address 'books' for each customer is not an unusual request for any business selling physical products. Not having this facility requires us to enter the shipping address again for a customer with multiple sites whenever they make an new order unless it is to be sent to the site that they last ordered for. There is also potential for order mistakes if we do not change the delivery address. Some of our customers make a batch of duplicate orders for several sites which is a lot more difficult with the current set up.
John Butler commented
I have been using accounting solutions for 20+ years as an end user and this 1 feature to me seems a given. MYOB at least had room for 5 additional branches but that wasn't enough for some of the bigger firms.
What's needed is multiple DELIVER ADDRESS AND BRANCH because invoices often need to be sent to the branch for authorisation first.