Settings and activity
2 results found
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jacob Ball supported this idea ·
339 votes
Hi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your input and letting us know your appetite for being able to set the Reply to address for your Xero organisation, here in the idea. As many will have seen with new invoicing, our team have begun testing and making small change to the send experience. While we've been able to make these changes when developing other areas of Xero, we want to be upfront that we don't have a timeframe of when we'll upgrade the email settings page just yet, but this is something we will get to in time - when we do our team will also review the Reply to address options as part of this. So, though there is no movement to share on this just yet please know we will let you know here as soon as there is.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jacob Ball commented
I'm sure I've posted on the old support forum about this, but it's still not addressed, and it's still a pain in the backside.
Yes, a user can go to Settings -> Email Settings and change the Email Address being used, which is then applied across everything.
However, I'd like the ability to choose which email account to send from, when I'm actually creating the invoice or receipt or whatever it is at the time.
It would be great to have it linked to a Template. Eg a template for ABC Company uses the email. If I switch the template to XYZ Company, then the email should change to, without having to remember and go through the Settings -> Email Settings rigmarole.
Jacob Ball supported this idea ·
Given that Kelly Munro has marked as Delivered and CLOSED the other idea with 50 votes ( with a solution that ISN'T THE SOLUTION people are actually asking for, thank you Leslie for creating this topic again as I was about to do the same.
What we would LIKE is to have a Planned Date field when ENTERING or UPDATING a bill, e.g. on the bill details page, not the bills list view. (Adding a Planned Date option on the Quick View is redundant, particularly when viewing invoices sorted by Awaiting Payment, as the Planned Date datepicker is already there).
If I go to create a new Bill (or view/edit a bill), there are fields for Date and Due Date. All we're asking for is the ability to set the Planned Date whilst on this page, rather than having to save the bill, then go find the bill on the Bills list view and pick the Planned Date from there.
Kelly, I don't know why your team seems to have wilfully misinterpreted what people are asking for, or why you felt it necessary to close an idea with a non-solution, but hopefully this one gets voted up again and your team will do something about it.