Bills - Assign planned date within individual bill
Usually, the options when you make a new bill would be "create new, copy, edit, etc" and date issued, date due, but no date planned to pay. SoI hope that one day there would be an additional option of "schedule for payment at date" because sometimes there are so many bills lying around and going to the "ALL" tab in Bills to pay, to find which are the bills that haven't had a schedule yet to schedule it is kind of inconvenient. So if I may, I would like a small additional option to be able to assign a planned pay date to individual bills at the instance I create the bill.

Hi everyone, returning to confirm that Quick view for bills has now been released to all users.
You'll see while still on the list view when you click the 'eye' icon you can see full detail of your bill and make a few quick actions including the ability to add a planned date.
I appreciate there are a couple of recent comments still wanting to see this in the individual bill page - please give this option a try and feedback if still does not meet your needs. We may open another idea to get a refreshed sense of the interest. Thanks
Rebecca Vander Have commented
Please refer to Jacob Ball comment. That is what is needed.
Jacob Ball commented
This seems to be the opposite of what everyone is asking for.
What we would LIKE is to have a Planned Date field when ENTERING or UPDATING a bill, e.g. on the bill details page, not the bills list view.
If I go to create a new Bill, there are fields for Date and Due Date. All we're asking for is the ability to set the Planned Date whilst on this page, rather than having to save the bill, then go find the bill on the Bills list view and pick the Planned Date from there.
Is that clearer?
TINA PACKMAN commented
Please add this functionality. We pay most of our bills at month end but some need to be paid sooner (or put on hold for payment later) and it would be helpful to mark this in the individual bill as I approve it for payment.
Shane Ham commented
Please add this functionality as improving workflow of processing bills this will eliminate at least 2-3 extra clicks and navigating to a different page.
Chris Rickerby commented
Agree with others, this is all about improving process efficiency. Please can this be included asap.
Gary Lyon commented
Every time I enter a bill for an expense item, I want to schedule the payment of it, to match with the weekly payments we do. To do this I have to get out of the Bill Entry Screen and go to the Waiting Payments Screen and find the relevant supplier. Being able to enter the schedule date at the same time the bill is entered is a no brainer for me and would be great functionality.
Lyall Zweck commented
Please add Planned Payment date field at bottom of screen alongside or near paid fields. Make it optional entry.
Mark Mitchell commented
Another simple idea that would make life easier and the payment process more efficient. I can't imagine the coding element would be overly complex for this but with the connected apps for payments it should be considered important to Xero users.
Jodie Lee commented
Absolutely... this would save so much time and 'memory' if this could all be done in one go when approving a bill!!!
Anne Ramien commented
Irene O'Leary commented
I agree with Tim as well. This is becoming more of an issue for us as we can have over 1500 pending invoices on a regular basis. Even using the Awaiting payment this takes time as we have to scroll through multiple pages and staff have already missed a few deadlines.
Rebecca Vander Have commented
Yes please. Exactly as Tim Stone has commented; thank you Tim.
Tim Stone commented
The "work-around" offered is a real "work-around" and doesn't really address the inconvenience.
The ability to add the planned date while entering the Bill is what is required. Perhaps as a layout option so those that don't use it, don't have the extra date field to pass through when entering.
I would personally like to see it implemented as another date field immediately after Due Date - this would provide the convenience to make the planned date feature usable.
Having to enter the Bill/s, then go to another view, find and allocate planned date is not an effective solution. The ability to bulk add planned dates is great, but not everyone is on the same terms. Far more appropriate to be entered as part of the Bill creation/entry process.
Debbie Stancliffe White commented
Planned Date - ability to enter planned date at time of entering bill to pay. Not having to go into another screen to add.
Melissa Hoyling commented
Yes please!! I would love to just schedule pay dates whilst entering them in as a bill rather than going back and looking through what hasnt been scheduled!
Jodie Lee commented
Absolutely... this is a vital upgrade. It's all well and good adding it 'after' it's been approved, but there are two issues with this... 1. you have to remember to do it (which is fraught with danger) and 2. it seems like double-handling. If it was just another field to input when entering the bill it would make life sooo much simpler. Please add this urgently!
Kielan Faria commented
This would be a huge help and speed things up.
Accounts Keycon commented
You can allocate a planned payment date once its approved.
Leeann Redman commented
It would be great if there was an option to enter the planned payment date in the Enter Bills screen.
I would like to be able to enter this date at the time of the data entry, from either Hubdoc, or when entering directly into Xero. This just saves a step when reviewing the accounts payable. -
Abbie Price commented
Having this function be such a great time saver. I currently have to check, amend, update bills with internal authorisations. Having this function would save so much time and reduce errors and omissions as I have hundreds to go through each month.
PLEASE add this function!