Bills - Assign planned date when entering bill
Please add the option to assign a planned payment date when entering bills / within the individual bill, not just from the overview tabs.

Andrea Wilkinson commented
Totally agree, this has made so much work for us having to go searching for invoices due that don't pop up when I click on the batch date I am looking at paying.
All of our invoices are automatically imported into XERO from our other system, however if we create an invoice in XERO itself it doesn't show up when making payment as the due date isn't set because we forgot to go to another area to set it. Considering the due date is set when creating the invoice (and this is the date we will pay it), its another unnecessary step.
We also have an issue with the planned date not matching the due date (all of our invoices are paid on the due date), and so when paying all invoices on a
particular date we have missed some because the planned date is either missing or has a different date.With approximately 200 invoices to pay every month we are having to go through them one by one before paying to ensure that they are 1) all there, and 2) all have the correct 'planned date'.
If anyone knows how to make the planned date match the due date automatically that would be great, although still won't fix the issue of invoices created in XERO having no planned date unless we remember to go and add one!
Carlos Chamorro commented
This makes all the sense in the World! Planned Date is essential for use in order to monitor our Cashflow in order to plan ahead how much we need in order to pay what we owe.
Its a hassle to input planned date right now. -
Jo Russell commented
Assigning a planned date at the time of entering an individual bill would save having to then go into a separate window AFTER processing the bill to assign a date.
As it stands, for each bill that is processed, there is an additional step to assign a planned date which necessitates the opening of a different window. This becomes cumbersome when entering multiple bills and breaks the flow of processing these.Other accounts software that I've worked with allow:
* Document date (ie actual date shown on the invoice)
* Accounting date (ie date that the invoice is going through the accounts, very handy if a bill has arrived after the month has closed and must go into a different month)
* Due date
* Payable/Payment date
Could you please consider reviewing the date fields that are required by staff on the ground that are entering the details? -
Kimberly Hopton commented
Yes, this would make much more sense - especially with a large number of bills that need to be paid.
TINA PACKMAN commented
I approve bills entered by my assistant and I would like to add a planned payment date when approving so my assistant pays on the correct date.
It is time consuming and to then have to go to the awaiting payment tab to do this. Would be so much more convenient to do whilst in the bill. -
Lynne Huddleston commented
Yes, great idea and a time saver
Jacob Ball commented
Given that Kelly Munro has marked as Delivered and CLOSED the other idea with 50 votes ( with a solution that ISN'T THE SOLUTION people are actually asking for, thank you Leslie for creating this topic again as I was about to do the same.
What we would LIKE is to have a Planned Date field when ENTERING or UPDATING a bill, e.g. on the bill details page, not the bills list view. (Adding a Planned Date option on the Quick View is redundant, particularly when viewing invoices sorted by Awaiting Payment, as the Planned Date datepicker is already there).
If I go to create a new Bill (or view/edit a bill), there are fields for Date and Due Date. All we're asking for is the ability to set the Planned Date whilst on this page, rather than having to save the bill, then go find the bill on the Bills list view and pick the Planned Date from there.
Kelly, I don't know why your team seems to have wilfully misinterpreted what people are asking for, or why you felt it necessary to close an idea with a non-solution, but hopefully this one gets voted up again and your team will do something about it.