Settings and activity
5 results found
349 votes
Neil Hartley supported this idea ·
105 votes
Hi everyone, while there isn't a report that you can report 'terms' atm, you could run the Aged Receivables Summary report that'll provide all the other detail you're asking here.
From Columns in the report you'll see the option to include Credit Limit as well as many of the contact details such as Email and Phone. If this is a report you'd want to access frequently, save it as Custom and maybe even favourite the report so you can easily access it.
When you mention wanting to include 'terms' it'd be good to get more detail of your expectations in this would this be the terms and conditions of the theme applied to invoices for that contact, or perhaps billing information that you may have saved in notes for the contact? Thanks
Neil Hartley supported this idea ·
74 votes
Neil Hartley supported this idea ·
74 votes
Hi community, we understand how being able to add a persons job title in contacts would help distinguish and identify within a contact.
Being open, this isn't something we have plans of for the time being. Right now, though not the ideal solution you could possibly use the notes feature in contacts to add detail of the differentials. We know this won't solve the needs for everyone in the idea but may help for some scenarios.
If there is any plans made around this we will update you of this, here.
Neil Hartley supported this idea ·
446 votes
Neil Hartley supported this idea ·