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383 votes
Hi community, we’ve just released some new keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry options.
There’s a range of different shortcuts that you can explore, and in particular a few that I wanted to call out for ‘Approve’ options that I know will be of most interest to you, here;
- Approve (Ctrl-Alt-A OR Cmd-Opt-A on a Mac)
- Approve & add another (Ctrl-Alt-O OR Cmd-Opt-O on a Mac)
- Approve & print PDF (Ctrl-Alt-R OR Cmd-Opt-R on a Mac)
- Approve & email / send eInvoice (Ctrl-Alt-E OR Cmd-Opt-E on a Mac)
While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
What about the scenario where a manager approves invoices. They don't create or issue invoices. That relationship lies with other team members.
Also i no longer seem to be able to see the quantity in stock? Has this been removed? If so why? If not how do i get it back? thx.Wendy Angliss supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
Definitely, would save a lot of time and effort. It is also used for audit schedules.
Also, CURRENTLY the report for an individual does NOT show their name. So when you create the report there is no evidence as to what it represents.
Wendy Angliss supported this idea ·
31 votes
Wendy Angliss supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
PLEASE give us back the functionality we used to have.
Reporting is taking a lot longer now and many more key strokes.For example - If we add a new account to our chart of accounts - Why are we being asked to update that EACH of the COMMON FORMATS? And then again in Management reports.
This seems strange given Xero is about simplifying business allowing customers to "do" their business. With a progressive growing business we could be adding a new account(s) quite frequently.
. -
1 vote
Wendy Angliss shared this idea ·
251 votes
Wendy Angliss supported this idea ·
91 votes
Hi team, to share your feedback with the right teams and individuals can you please explain the screens/pages in Xero you'd find this particularly useful?
An error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
@Kelly Munro, Can you update us please on timeline for column widths and margins. I have just printed out the General Ledger exception report for the first month of the year and it's 13 pages long but only needs to be about 4-5 if we could adjust. This is not good for the planet and looks very unprofessional if we print to pdf. Even if we cant' adjust from the user end, there are large areas of white space that are not being used. Happy to send an example to a Xero email for you to look at.
thanks WendyAn error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
Here is a frustrating example today which may help yor team.
I had to export to excel and then add a column because Xero thought I did not have enough space, and therefore refused to let me add a column in layout.
Could you please respond to this group wiht an updated ETA for the column width fix.
WendyAn error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
This is very important. Trying to do month end with new reports with an open mindset and efficiently.
To scan down an account to see "unusual" transactions transactions that perhaps do not belong in an account is now much more time consuming.
There seems to be a preference in the report coding for column width to de determined by column heading rather than the content???
For example if I have standard columns on Account Transaction report "Running Balance" heading is wrapped, but when I eliminate a column to achieve more space for description and reference the running balance column width increases despite not needing to. And therefore it compromises how much space is available for the two columns I need.
Also when you play with the number of columns to try to minimise column wrapping the report suddenly changes from landscape to portrait becoming a VERY long report due to text wrap.
Happy to provide screen grabs directly to you Kelly Munro.
Please change (or allow yes/no choice) for the column width to be determined by the content not title.Also, why do we need so much margin in pdf report? This also compromises column width.
An error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
Being able to control the column width, helps stop Xero turning a one page report into a landscape multi page report. This is critical to look professional for board reporting. There also seems to be a problem with excess spacing between columns??.
Having this functionality is also important for audit/reliability. Excel reports can be "edited" by users. Reports "straight from Xero", no not have this perception problem.
Can we also have as an option:
1 - a vertical line please to separate sections of reports. One example might be the old report where you could easily see two column sections 1/ this month actual vs budget and 2/ section ytd actual vs budget.
2- date and time printed
These might seem trivial but speedy readability is very important for board members. Thank you.Wendy Angliss supported this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
Why doesn't the date range you have chosen appear when you export the report?
Each account section in the report has "There are no statement lines to code for this period." but nowhere that i can see does it say what the period is?
Kind regards
Wendy -
38 votes
Hi community 🙋
Thanks for starting this idea! Did you see last week that our Product Team released an update that helps speed things up on Xero Me Mobile? They’ve enabled the ability to copy previous time entries in start-end timesheets on a per day basis. To do this, enter your time entries as usual for the first day in your timesheet, and then select the “copy from [date]” option when adding a new time entry for a consecutive day.
The team are interested in further exploring improvements in this area, but at this stage there are no firm plans to progress this idea. They’ve got their eyes on the ground though - closely monitoring your ideas, votes and comments.An error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
We have several team members working part time doing set hours but differing between days of the week. At present they have to submit a leave request for EACH day, and these each have to be approved. If they are going several days leave this can lead to many, many leave applications, and approvals.
In addition it is easy to overlook this and then someone has to go back and amend.
They get confused/distracted by the apps inconsistency. A couple of examples: 1/ if you choose more than one day it does not show hours at all,
2/ "select approver" step does not have a DONE. You have to work out that it is in the three dots, and then you forget that if you don't take leave for a while.
Thanks for listening to the needs of users. When is the app likely to be reviewed? ie scheduled in your works programWendy Angliss supported this idea ·
1 vote
Wendy Angliss shared this idea ·
153 votes
Wendy Angliss supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Wendy Angliss commented
This would be brilliant for month end where there is a sequence of events that need to take place and several individuals are reliant on the last step being completed. Would save a lot of phone calls/messages.
5 votes
Wendy Angliss supported this idea ·
I worry that a comment someone said to me this week may take hold ... sounds like getting Xero support from Xero support. Xero don't let this festering issue undermine some progressive things that are happening.
We really need this functionality to carry out our roles efficiently, and enabling us to find time in our days to grow our businesses. Please acknowledge our pain and indicate what is in progress to address this.