Reporting | Budget Manager - Customise report layout
Ability to customise a budget manager layout.
Purpose: To make users able to get their preferred figures appear in the budget manager report.

Janine Sapsed commented
We have to provide a reforecast each month by cost centre. I would also like the option to reforecast each month, rather than quarterly and in a custom report format.
Darren DeLacy commented
I would like to run a budget report with actuals but you only give me 3,6 or 12mths options, I want 1-12 options for example I need to run actuals July 1 2024 - Feb 28 2025 but the systems doesnt allow
Dan Adamson commented
It's very confusing that the budget template is in a format that doesn't tie in with how we report. To get the template to match up to our reporting takes a lot of time, and being able to budget in the same way that we report is really important to us.
Neil Prowse commented
As a small rugby club run by volunteers with very little formal accounting knowledge the idea that the budget layout doesn't match the P &L just doesn't make sense.
It would be so much easier to have the budget manger layout the same as the P & L layout.
Karen Rumble commented
This would be very helpful to our clients as they can account for loan repayments and purchase of assets etc when calculating their budgets
Xero Subs LW commented
Would be great to put in assets/liabilities into the budget manager, as assets/liabilities are not income/expenses for accounting purposes, but in a budgeting sense, spending money on office equipment or mortgage payments is still an expense that people would like to make estimates for.
Letticia Mincham commented
Also to include a budget line that enables us to show reserve funds being allocated for use rather than just revenue/expenses
Accounts Expertunity Pty Ltd commented
Absolutely ridiculous that the only budget I can export to Excel is in alphabetical order with the account code in brackets. This format isn't used anywhere else in Xero. Please enable formatting to line up with all other reports. If this can't be sorted out, we should be able to charge back to Xero the time taken to create lookup tables or text-to-column or otherwise extract the account numbers, and then to push it back into the Budget Manager format.
Andrea Fines-Allin commented
I echo the thoughts of my fellow users. It makes no sense that you can't customise the Budget Manager but you can edit other reports.
Wini Chia commented
really should be able to choose a customised P&L to carry over to budget manager. How is this not a feature already? The standardised report is way too detailed for forecasting and budget at an overall company level. Or at least permit to delete/add lines as required?
Barbara Everitte commented
Users should have the ability to customize the Budget Manager to match their financial statement format.
Imogen Brown commented
It would be incredibly useful to do this for clients who draft a budget based on a customised report however when they want to input this into the budget manager have to enter it in a different order.
Stephen Livesey commented
Ability to arrange the budget by account code number is desperately needed!
Natalie Ford commented
Hey Admin - At the very least, the Budget Manager should show the same report layout as our preferred (custom) P&L report, as should the Budget Variance report. Ideally, the Budget Manager should be fully customisable and allow us to include ANY accounts we want, including equity and liability, if our business needs them.
Lucas Plumbing & Gas Solutions commented
Budget manager definitely needs liabilities of loans….i see it pointless not to have this? The net/ gross figure wouldn’t be accurate?
Cherie Christo commented
This needs to be fixed as presenting the budget needs to be as per other Manageme.nt reports. it makes no sense to see it in alphabetical order and harder to work off
Jez Nolan commented
Grouping is a must.
Nicholas Matthews commented
Yes agreed, this is super important makes no sense that budget template is completely different to the P&L which management monitor each month
Katie Norvall commented
It would be great if Budget manager can be customized.
1. Being able to group a few accounts together and input the new title in the budget for this grouping accounts (to make it tidier). Like when you group accounts when editing.
2. Be able to hide or delete accounts (such as opening and closing stock). -
Jo Aldridge commented
budget manager is unusable without this