Bills - Apply discounts on accounts payable invoices
Applying discount on account payables invoices.
Purpose: User doesn’t need to manually recalculate the cost of each item

Hi everyone, thanks for feeding back to us here. Understand the rationale for wanting to be able to apply discounts on bills in Xero, similar to how you can with Sales invoices. This is something our team would like to develop into bills, however there are a few other important pieces of work that need attention first. So, for the time being we'll leave this as Submitted but as soon as there's movement we'll update you of any change through the idea here. Thanks!
Susie Lacher commented
I agree. My Suppliers add discounts to each line. No having a discount column as it does in invoicing makes entry slow.
Art to Art Accounts commented
It seems inconsistent that there is a discount column in invoices but not bills. Should be easy enough to add it in since it is in the invoice template already.
Lana Joubert commented
Agree, our suppliers often give us discounts on products and I have to manually go and recalculate each item (100's of items on one invoice). There should be a column headed discount, then we can just type in the percentage and it will work it out.