Repeating Invoices - Generate invoice before invoice date
Ability to make repeating invoices to be generated to an earlier date without having to change the setup.
Purpose: Users’ can sometimes ask their customer/client to pay the invoices earlier.

Leila S commented
There are many reasons one would desire to have an invoice appear in the system earlier than the invoice date. I know it is possible for there to be separate fields for "invoice date" and "generate invoice on" because I've seen it in action in other bookkeeping programs. When I first started using Xero five years ago I loved it other than two small things. One of them was fixed right away and it gave me great hope this other missing bit would be fixed as well. I'm tired of waiting. I've been generating my repeating invoices on the date I want them to appear in the system and manually changing the invoice date on each (close to 200) each month for YEARS. I don't want a workaround, an alternate suggestion, no. Please add a date field so invoices can appear in the system on September 1st with invoice date of September 15th on them. When the new price increases go into effect, I will pay the new rate and hang in there for a few short months more. I'm counting on you to bump this up the priority list and make it happen before I get so fed up I switch companies. I do not want to change companies and re-educate all of my customers on where to expect emails to come from and how to pay. I want Xero to address this instead. I really love Xero except for this ONE thing, and I'm at my limit with it!! Please, and thank you!
Sue Allen commented
My invoices have to be approved by the account manager before being sent to the client so I always start the process a few days before month end. I now have to change all my Repeating invoices to be a few days prior to month end and then change them all once I am sending for approval
Max Skipworth-Button commented
This would be very useful and surprising that it's not possible.
You're able to create an invoice at any date and send it, so it's a shame this functionality doesn't extend to the recurring invoices.
Luke Gibson commented
Quite inconvenient if I'm wanting to punch out invoicing in advance of going on leave
Drew Speer commented
Disappointed to find that this is not possible (clients have exceptions constantly for holidays, etc.) and that this suggestion was made in 2013 and remains open. :-(
Astrid Beyers commented
I am also very surprised this is not already possible. We also collect by Direct Debit so need to advise customers on their invoice in advance of it being due, and need the invoices totals to populate the direct debit run 2 days before the due date (due date = date of the invoice).
Tarah Reesor commented
We collect by direct debit and need this info to ensure accuracy. We rent property so invoice date and due date are both on the 1st. Drives our accountant crazy that we are invoicing January's rent in December! Screws up GST too.
In a large competitor's software, this is just a simple check box and space to indicate how many days early to generate the invoice. -
Sarah Theng commented
This is critical because it allows my team time to check the draft invoices before the actual invoice date.
Rob Clarke commented
I am very surprised this is not already possible. We collect by Direct Debit so need to advise customers on their invoice in advance of it being due
Damien Poppelwell commented
Yes, this would be a great addition, and would make repeating trasnsactions much more flexible!
Jeremy Corkhill commented
It would be handy to be able to print repeating transactions in advance of the date as we use them as a delivery docket. We were able to do this with MYOB recurring transactions.
Alison Hussey commented
Would be great if we could have a separate date for generating repeating invoices to the date of the invoice- if we need the invoices to be generated on the 10th but need time for them to be checked and approved before being sent out on the 15th it would be good if we didn't have to manually change the date on each and every invoice!
Claire Lucas commented
This would be very helpful as you cannot print pdf to see the draft etc when it has not yet been generated as it is not as at the invoice date
Sara Withill commented
I work in a nursery where we raise the invoices for the following month before the end of the current month so they can go home with the children. I didn't realise this would be an issue when choosing to move from quick books to xero as xero seems to be more sophisticated. Raising post dated repeating invoices is simple in quick books.