UK Payroll - Payslips - Schedule date for payslips to be emailed
Ability to have an automated scheduled payslip.
Purpose: To make Payroll admin workflow easier, especially when they aren’t working on the day when payslip needs to be sent.

Rebecca Flood commented
Would be very useful to be able to prepare pays early in the week (for example) but only send the payslip on the day the payment is to be made.
lisa ridsdale commented
This is vital to many businesses
Sean Huxley commented
Would be a great feature as the date payroll is run isn't necessarily the date payslips need sending
Beverley Dela-Nougerede commented
This feature would definitely help me as currently have to pass this task to someone else if away when payslips need sending.
Suzy Arndt commented
Please consider this - its very important
Carrie Monk commented
It would be great if you could set payslips to automatically email out to employees on a set day, i.e. pay day! Payroll is run up to a week before pay day and clients want employees to receive their payslips on pay day itself. Currently, I have to add it to my calendar to remind me to log in to each of my clients accounts on different days in order email the payslips manually. If it could be done automatically, it would save me some time.
Jon Darby commented
I would definitely find this useful, another vote from me!
Lucie Howard commented
I suggested this years ago and lots of people commented on it, but it never happened.