Invoices - Multiple due dates for payments/deposits along with the ability to offer trade terms
Ability to set up multiple due dates for payments/deposits.
Purpose: payments and deposits can be spread throughout different dates.

Scott Farrand commented
As a charter business taking a deposit up front and balance months later this function is essential to me being able to efficiently utilise Xero for invoicing bookings.
Gordon Flores commented
My invoices have three payment schedule as the work is completed. This feature would be beneficial for cash flow planning.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
And the option to add deposit invoices and partial invoices where the invoice number could have -1 or -2 for every additional invoice but the system can recognise they are all for the same job/item.
Ollie Shaw commented
I voted on this feature request in 2013 and here we are almost a decade later.
Either way my mind is blown with this as it's either not happened because it simply has not received enough votes to be a priority. (Split terms are fairly common so I am surprised only 54 people have voted).
Or there is a demand but the developers have not bothered to implement a pretty basic function.
Here's to me continuing to do split term bills by creating multiple of the same bill with the same tax date and different due dates. Shame as the rest of the functions in Xero work well for me apart for this one irritant.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
This would reduce a lot of confusion for both our staff and customers! We often request a 50% deposit for our major projects and then the remaining amount on delivery.
Rob Douglas commented
This is such a critical requirement. Multiple invoices are not an ideal solution as it causes customer confusion and potential legal issues. It would be so much easier to monitor cashflow and offer terms of trade to customers if xero allowed multiple payment dates for an invoice.
Chad Murray commented
I have a client that is seasonal, and their bill due dates are split into portions and paid out over 30/60 and 90 days. It would be great if there were multiple drop downs for invoice due dates, which would then make the payables report accurate.
Paul Drummond commented
We request 50% at invoice and 50% on delivery, and with current supply chain delays those can be 6 months apart. I really want to use Xero for cashflow forecasting but this is a limitation.
Kim Worrall commented
Being given the suggestion of raising multiple invoices by support is really no use. I don't believe it is an unusual request to be able to raise one invoice and then mark it down as split payments/due dates.
Shannan Johns commented
Would be great to have this feature! E.g. Invoice terms 1/3 payment due in 30 days, remaining 2/3 due 60 days.
Juanita Rogers commented
Yes, this allows more accurate cashflow analysis and can also be used for large bills to be paid over the course of the financial or following year. Ideally, one bill could be entered, and different due dates entered for each payment due date for each instalment. This could still record the bill for VAT purposes but would not bunch up all instalments due in month 2, instead, spreading them over months 2-12.